Well I'm a few weeks since my last post, and I have a problem I need help with. This is only my second grow so I'm still a nub. I since my last post, chopped 6 males , moved the slacker PV into flower and I have 8 Beautiful girls that are doing well, (I'll post pics in a couple hours). My problem is this, I have 1 Blue Haze Female with "ball sacks" not a terrible bunch, not enough to call it a full blown Hermie yet (I think), But My problem is this, at what point do I consider it a Hermie, how many sacks will it take to ruin my entire crop?, I Pulled 6 sacks from it's branches today, It's OBVIOUSLY more female than male, as the Femal bud sites outnumber the male sacks by some crazy number like 40 to 1, But I'm worried that I may contaminate the rest of the crop. I'd rather not chop it, but have no problem with it if it's going to ruin the rest of the crop. I hear that its normal to have a few, when would you guys chop it, if you would? Any help is appreciated GREATELY!
Like I said I'll post pics. In a couple hours.