Hi All!
Been noticing plants in the flowering room with red stems. Pretty weird, because the stems are bright red on top, and green on the bottom!
Seems to be affecting plants that are closer to the light. Could this be the issue? Also, it seems like it is appearing on new growth vs old, making me think it could possibly be iron?
Grow Details:
Light is 10-12 inches from plants. 600watt hps
Temps can get a little cold at night when the lights are off, but when light is on temps are 72-74F and when they are off it can be 60-64F.
27th day of 12/12
Soil: Black Gold
Nutes: Earth juice sea blast. Been feeding recommended rate (1/2tsp) of bloom once a week with pH of 6.5. Used Transition which has the higher nitrogen percentage until the beginning of last week (last feeding) and switched to bloom formulation.
Been using R/O water for the first time. Been adding 1/2tsp of Cal/Mag with every watering.
Am I just over looking a nitrogen deficiency?
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Been noticing plants in the flowering room with red stems. Pretty weird, because the stems are bright red on top, and green on the bottom!
Seems to be affecting plants that are closer to the light. Could this be the issue? Also, it seems like it is appearing on new growth vs old, making me think it could possibly be iron?
Grow Details:
Light is 10-12 inches from plants. 600watt hps
Temps can get a little cold at night when the lights are off, but when light is on temps are 72-74F and when they are off it can be 60-64F.
27th day of 12/12
Soil: Black Gold
Nutes: Earth juice sea blast. Been feeding recommended rate (1/2tsp) of bloom once a week with pH of 6.5. Used Transition which has the higher nitrogen percentage until the beginning of last week (last feeding) and switched to bloom formulation.
Been using R/O water for the first time. Been adding 1/2tsp of Cal/Mag with every watering.
Am I just over looking a nitrogen deficiency?
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