Random Thought Thread

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So it isn't in the rules. Back to question
What in the wide world of sports are you saying! Excomunicado! Ekk. Say it's not so.
I used to think like that, you know, calm down , when I get older this will stop. The only thing that stopped is my lack of a sweet tooth.

Like I said...heh heh. I still have a sweet tooth, to boot.
TINS - when I was 5, Joey Sanchez and me found his dad's .22 loaded revolver under the bed.
We took it out in the woods and shot it. I shot once and he shot once. Then we ran back and put it under the bed again.
Nobody got hurt, thankfully. Then again...it wasn't a Glock. lol
Glock Perfection!

I like 'em both. Autos have more cartridges and are quicker to reload, but can jamb if the mags screw up or are limp wristed. Revolvers never jamb and don't leave incriminating evidence around.
After 200 -300 rounds with a .45 acp, it gets easier to limp wrist jam, especially if you are tired. It really isn't a limp wrist, if concentration wonders and you fire a round failing to grip properly and the gun moves too much in your hand, taking away the slides inertia, and jam occurs. Clearing jams
Your gun encounters ought to be second nature.

My .45 ACP guns are all Glocks right now and they simply don't fail to work. I have had a "small" Glock 30S .45 that has jammed on occasion, other than with stout ammo. +P Territory. It has a shorter, lighter slide which under just the right circumstances can make the problem more likely.

Oddly, I solved the problem but replacing the trigger assembly from a model 21. It has the smooth trigger and drops right in the 30S! Not only does it feel better on the trigger finger, it completely stopped the rare occasional jam it had. I guess something in it's trigger bar /assembly was wonky I guess.

Glock Perfection!

Only problem I have with Glocks is keeping up with their numbers. LOL

The first 'plastic' pistol I ever shot was a Glock years ago. I remember going away from that less than excited. I have no problem with them now, though.

I had one, in fact, but I was fishing with a buddy (who has since died) and we caught this big snake by accident and it knocked the gun in the water from flopping around trying to bite us in the boat. True story, or else it'snot.
Very odd, I never really was into sweets when I was younger, much preferred substantial food. But as I age, there can be no doubt. I am trying to develope a sweet tooth!

I had two 2nd lower molars pulled by the time I was 15. Second ones from the back. Both sides.
Today, however, the rest of my teeth seem to be healthy enough that I'll die with all of them in my mouth.
That's what the doc says, anyway. I have a sweet tooth too.
I am eating my lunch and Ivan as usual keeps me company… it was almost a year ago next week where I brought him into the hospital and the surgeon told me he was going to cut his tail off… as you can see he still has it and it is a thing of beauty… he has no problem, clearing a table with itView attachment 346732
Beautiful dog my friend. Absolutely awesome.
Love the look in his eyes.
As I’ve aged, I’ve found that I have no tolerance for sweets anymore… I had to stop drinking coffee because it irritated my belly so now I drink green tea and I take it without anything. Just the bag in the water…
I have an irregular reaction to eggs occasionally, and onions rarely. But it happens. Comes up, not down. Blech.
No coffee? :-(
same here newby, Ivan is allowed on the back porch sofa and gets zero people food...he'll watch me in the kitchen but staring is verbotten...
My maryjane gets her own plate when we eat. She get some people food but only rice veggies and nothing spicy. We eat a lot of stuff she can have. I keep some rice in the fridge usually when she can’t eat what we are having. She knows not to stare or beg and has to lay down while we are eating in the same room she is not allowed on most of the furniture but like NewbOldster I've softened to that some in my old, feeble, semi-conscious state of intellectual infirmity 🤣🤣