Random Thought Thread

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This reminds me a little of the face on Court of the Crimson King, but NASA says it's Jupiter.


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Grizzly encounter? Looked like a black bear and Inside Edition even said that earlier. Sounds scarier to say grizzly though and the MSM loves to get people worked up.
Yeah...I'm sick to death of the stupid word play games they do.

Seems like it really took off a few years ago with "BOMBSHELL!" Read an article last week about a handful of punks accessing a school and slapping some high school kids around - headline said something along the line of "Hundreds of Kids Missing After Marauders Attack School". Come to find out...they simply stayed home next day because they were scared after the thugs ran rampant the day before. But hey...GOTTA GRAB THE READER'S (or viewers) ATTENTION!

Even if it involves less-than-factual rhetoric.

That kid was smart. If he'd stayed in motion or dropped his scooter and ran, it would have triggered the predator/prey mode in the bear. Kudos to the man that risk his own hyde to save the kid. Still hope for mankind, folks.
I gots your round for you….pity the fool!

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That young lady looks a lot like the girl who did the sonogram for me yesterday. My blood pressure for some reason was at 192. I’ve not seen numbers like that for months. It must’ve been the person taking the reading… back to normal later in the day, go figure
That young lady looks a lot like the girl who did the sonogram for me yesterday. My blood pressure for some reason was at 192. I’ve not seen numbers like that for months. It must’ve been the person taking the reading… back to normal later in the day, go figure

boy howdy , who wouldn’t want their nurse to look like that

i would be sick at least once a week
That young lady looks a lot like the girl who did the sonogram for me yesterday. My blood pressure for some reason was at 192. I’ve not seen numbers like that for months. It must’ve been the person taking the reading… back to normal later in the day, go figure
I didn't know it at the time, but I had chronically low blood pressure when I enlisted. When I was processing at AFEES, they made me do a bunch of pushups and go out and run around the block to try to bring it up some. Still low.

Finally, the guy says "Well, think of something that'll help raise it". I thought of my girlfriend back home. That did it!

(It woulda really gone up if I'd known what she and my best friend were doing behind my back...and I wasn't even at boot yet)
when I had my neck surgery , after being wheeled into my room , I was sitting on the edge of the bed while the nurse was arranging things

my gf was in the room with me , Swede

well this nurse was a real looker

I was still under the heavy influence of post op drugs

well this pretty little nurse walked right by me and I reached out and patted her arse

she looked at me , I looked at her , my jaw dropped, I began to profusely apologize , she cracked up , Swede laughed , so I laughed

yeah those drugs will cause me to lose my inhibitions pronto!

she did have a nice round perky arse though…..🥰🥰
when I was in school , why was it that the two kids in front of me got to spell , cat , dog…

when it was my turn , my spelling word was Albuquerque

once they asked me to spell farm and I replied , e i e i o

off to the principles office , again

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