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Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
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hello friends..I have this PURPLEBUD that was a clone placed outside in April..Now I live in Seattle and the weather was great and then we had a few cold spells went from 82 in day down to 53 at night..could this have caused what looks to me like reveg? i have other strains outside that dont appear to have this..I am awaare she could be showing preflowers..But a bit concerned she beeing shocked...I feed her fox farm nutes and spicket water..sometimes MG with other veggies..just looking for some thaughts here..I know i dont post much just usually wait and see what she is becomeing a beast and hate to see her have to get chopped early:eek: ..and sorry for the crappy pics its windy today.

take care and be safe:bolt::bong:












whats up 4u2smoke... my opinion is you dont have any worries, if it was stressed to the point of hurting your fine looking ladies they wouldnt be preflowering....that is some fine looking outside plants, i cant wait until i get my place... maybe next year......
Beautiful looking plant 4u2 :)

She is having a spurt of veg growth, she looks fine so the temps havnt bothered her.

There are a lot of people who would like a garden like yours :holysheep:

HippyInEngland said:
Beautiful looking plant 4u2 :)

She is having a spurt of veg growth, she looks fine so the temps havnt bothered her.

HippyInEngland said:
There are a lot of people who would like a garden like yours :holysheep:


aint that the truth , ,,she is stunning :heart:
Wow...very nice girls want to be just like your girls when they grow up...
they look good to me,are you sure your not just them showing off :hubba:
4u You have no worries, That lady is beautiful.

Have seen a couple plants do that over the yrs.
astrobud said:
they look good to me,are you sure your not just them showing off :hubba:

:yeahthat: :rofl: cant put one by you huh? Ive said b4 this is where I do me braggin:giggle: but my other purplebud didnt do this ..thanks for all the kid words..Bring on the summer:lama:
Looks like a major growth spurt to me. May want to watch the amount of Nitrogen she receives for a couple of feedings.
They look good from here but if I were you I would lay off the MG ferts. From what I have read the chem ferts will cancel out the organic ferts and it may be the reason your plants are acting funny. As PCduck said maybe to much N to your plants. MG has alot more in the NPK scale then the FF organic does...take care..
i've got a 5 footer started inside from seed, thats been outside going on 2 months. she is already beginning to flower. i don't know how, cause the time has'nt changed over yet. maybe an auto? who knows. none of the others have even showed sex yet put out at the same time.

looking good in Seattle Bro. Irish...

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