Please advise.....

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lol,thats a huge problem,it'll turn them into males or hermie,you need to move them,and dont put em by the road,you'll get them stolen so quick.also,save your piss in a 2 or 3 liter bottle and make a circle (leaving a good distance around the plant) and make a barrier with it,also try hanging some irish spring soap in the bushes by it,both of these tips will help detour an animal from gettin a buzz off your plants.either way,be safe man,it isnt legal to grow in georgia for one,and for two you can get into alot of trouble if you get me,its not worth it,i've been there,done that.they should be nowhere near the street and nowhere near a light source.a marijuana requires 12 hours of complete darkness in order to flower/bud.
your gonna see them babies bulk right up outside (expecially after it rains)
anyways be safe man- peace

just do nothin but read,read,and read some more,you dont wanna go head over heels for something you know nothin or next to nothin have no idea how surprised i was when i seen how you turned them plants around.
another thing is,when you put them in their new homes,dig a hole and replace that dirt with some good miracle grow potting soil or could even mix some perlite in with it to hold moisture.marijuana plants dont like bone dry dirt and they dont like has to be moist.also when summer gets underway in full effect,your gonna want to water them 1 or 2 times a week if it hasnt rained.the sun will dry that soil up quickly
It's not a street light on the street, it is in my yard, a security light from the power company. Just called them, and they coming tomorrow to disconnect it. I used a mixture of potting soil and black cow brand (manure compost 0.5 0.5 0.5) in the hole and around the plant, then put the dirt from the hole on top as a cover up. The deeper my hole got the worse the soil was, mostly clay/chalk and hard as heck to dig in. I am kinda in the woods here and placed them on the border of my property near briars and bushes so they wouldn't be as noticable. But we don't get much company, invited or otherwise out here, so should be good.
Thanks for your quick and helpful reply.
Just checked them when I got home from work. Great News!!!! The biggest is a beautiful baby girl!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. Of the other 5, 1 is definately a mean o' BOY. GRRRR. 1 of the other smaller ones is also a GIRL. So that is 2/6 girls and 1/6 boys and 3/6 undecided as of yet. Wish me lots of luck please. I will take some pics either tonight or tomorrow and post them.
The first pic is the male I had to destroy. The rest is of the largest female. Had my boyfriend stand behind it to show size.




Here are 2 pics of each of the other plants. I believe them all to be female. The first pic of each set is a closeup and then a full view. Let me know what you think.








Nice outdoor grow! The second pic in the post above shows that your plant is very well camo'd! Excellent. You should have no problem with thieves. Your plants look nice and healthy too, great job so far.
nice looking plants! How they doin? That first lady is so tall! Are you gonna tie her over when she gets budding?
She is now taller than my boyfriend, I am really thinking of tieing her to the side. She is outgrowing everything around her, and is starting to stick out. I will take more pics next week. All the plants have really shown alot of improvement and lots of growth lately. Lots of little hairs starting to peek out all over the place. I am loving it!!!
sweet nice one! I only have 2 lowryders growing at the moment and confirmed yesterday they are both female at 16 days old :D Although I can't wait to be able to grow some real nice tall sativas :)
Ok, here are my girls almost 1 month later. The last 2 are of the same plant. It is the fullest. They are looking amazing. Wishing they would hurry up, I am ready to pick and dry so I can smoke!!






Ok, here are my girls almost 1 month later. The last 2 are of the same plant. It is the fullest. They are looking amazing. Wishing they would hurry up, I am ready to pick and dry so I can smoke!!

hee hee hee.. only 3+ more monthe PP ;)
hey prplepashun they are amazing looking plants well done and id still tie them down so all the plants budsites get the whole of the sun on them.

great work pr

Today was a sad day for me and the girls. There is a driveway beside where i planted them, that leads to an abandoned trailor. No one has been down there in over 3 yrs, until yesterday. A couple of guys decided to go back there and take an old junk truck (to sell for scrap, is what my neighbor thinks). My neighbor came by this morning (an old hippie) and told me about it and that the landlords had been informed and they would probably call the law, and he had seen I had a few things to take care of before/if the law came by. So, the girls are no more. They were beautiful, it just broke my heart to cut them down. But, better safe (to grow another day) than sorry.
About an hour after I got done with the deed, 2 cars pulled into MY driveway to question me if I had seen or heard anything from down there. Of course my answer was no, I stay in my yard, and mind my own business. LOL.
They parked pretty much right in front of where the largest girl WAS planted. Thank goodness for the heads up from the neighbor. Now they are liable to keep an eye on that place, so, no planting for me for a good long while. I was so proud of my girls. They were spectacular for my first grow. Only hope my next grow (when ever that is) looks as good as these did.

OH well. Stuff happens. Move on, and try again another day. Thanks to everyone here for all the wonderful advice and suggestions, and compliments. Ya'll are great.
I love your attitude.. :D with an outlook like that, good things are gonna' come your way.
thanks :)
I'll burn one for your lost souls prple. Really sorry to hear about that, but you absolutely made the wisest decision.
ahh sorry to hear that dude, thats such a shame! Poor ladies! Well you did pretty darn well with what you did do so, as you say, look forward to what you can next achieve..

Did your neighbour know what you were doing down there? if so, its pretty nice of them to tip you off, rather than the pigs!

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