Outdoor Garden

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Bud Rot
Different animal, if you get that it's Bad
Need to chop the buds affected off and throw them away.
There are also catipillars that cause budrot too, but n=most bud rot comes from high humidity in late flower
Lost a few Plants Main colas to it.
Bud Rot
Different animal, if you get that it's Bad
Need to chop the buds affected off and throw them away.
There are also catipillars that cause budrot too, but n=most bud rot comes from high humidity in late flower
Lost a few Plants Main colas to it.

What he said!
Ok more questions guys. My idea is to prepare my seeds for outdoor growing by germinating them a week before my areas last average frost which is April 20 and putting them in small plant containers. I figured i would put them outside during the day and put them under a shelter at night to ensure frost don’t hurt them.

My questions are
1. How big can the plant get before they outgrow their small seed container and hurt their growth? My fear is germinating them too early and they grow faster then the end of the frost threat.
2. What type of potting soil should I get tonsyart the seeds? I’ve heard so many things I’m confused.
3. If it’s cool outside will it be ok to put them out in the sun during the day and put them under a shelter at night?

I am trying to asorb as much information as I can and really appreciate your all’s help! I’ve been taking notes of things you tell me and things I read! Any advice or suggestions on when ans how to first germanite my seeds and get them planted when they should be would be greatly appreciated!!!
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That is probably not going to work. The days are so short the end of April that the plants will not get much vegetative growth and start budding before they have any real size to them--probably when they are 4-5 weeks old. But, because the days are getting longer, they will try to go back to vegetative growth as we approach the solstice. This causes a show down in growth while they change from flowering hormones to vegging hormones. This causes weird growth with the plant throwing out single unserrated leaves. Eventually (2-3 weeks) it starts growing normal leaves again. Then 6 weeks or so after the solstice when the days start getting shorter again, they will go back to flowering. This changing from vegging to flowering to vegging to flowering is going to hurt their growth and budding. You will have wasted weeks where the plant is trying to figure out whether it should be vegging or flowering. There simply are not enough hours of sunlight to get good veggy growth. If you can start them inside and put them out like the end of May or so, it would probably be better.

I am not quite understanding your first point in your above post? If they outgrow their container, transplant them into bigger pots.

I generally use either seed starting mix or rapid rooters to start plants.

When temperatures get below 60, plants pretty much don't grow.
HempGodess is spot on.
You're shooting yourself in the foot going out too early.
I use 16oz solo cups with hols poked in to start. Usually around 4 weeks before going outdoors.
Carefull to match your indoor lights to outdoor daylight hours ahead of time so not to trigger hormones.
To prevent mold you need a dry climate and very good air circulation. Sun for at least 6-8 hours a day. Never water in the evening as the water on plants in the dark will enchorage mold. Water in the mornings. Air is your best defense.
That Hemp Goddess and gloman knows their stuff. Your in good hands.
That is probably not going to work. The days are so short the end of April that the plants will not get much vegetative growth and start budding before they have any real size to them--probably when they are 4-5 weeks old. But, because the days are getting longer, they will try to go back to vegetative growth as we approach the solstice. This causes a show down in growth while they change from flowering hormones to vegging hormones. This causes weird growth with the plant throwing out single unserrated leaves. Eventually (2-3 weeks) it starts growing normal leaves again. Then 6 weeks or so after the solstice when the days start getting shorter again, they will go back to flowering. This changing from vegging to flowering to vegging to flowering is going to hurt their growth and budding. You will have wasted weeks where the plant is trying to figure out whether it should be vegging or flowering. There simply are not enough hours of sunlight to get good veggy growth. If you can start them inside and put them out like the end of May or so, it would probably be better.

I am not quite understanding your first point in your above post? If they outgrow their container, transplant them into bigger pots.

I generally use either seed starting mix or rapid rooters to start plants.

When temperatures get below 60, plants pretty much don't grow.
This is great info! Yes after I reread my first question it was pretty much common sense, sorry for that! I seen your ans the other posters points about not doing them too early. Ok let me ask you this. What is your suggestion to start growing? I am growing from seeds and plan to put them in the woods. I live in Ky and our last frost is around April 20. Should I start them in cups then transplant to woods? If so what dates roughly should I do this to harvest before October frosts?
To prevent mold you need a dry climate and very good air circulation. Sun for at least 6-8 hours a day. Never water in the evening as the water on plants in the dark will enchorage mold. Water in the mornings. Air is your best defense.
That Hemp Goddess and gloman knows their stuff. Your in good hands.
Yes both these people have helped me a great deal!!! A wealth of information.
The thing you want to understand is 4 weeks too early is WAY worse than 4 weeks late.
Your plants will truely amaze you on how fast and large they will grow in just a few weeks.
I grew in your neck of the woods a long time.
Seriously, get some auto seeds.
Start them at the end of April or first of may. I know I know, it sounds like that's too late but its Not. Autos won't get 15' tall but they can get plenty big.
Used to be autos never gave you much and weren't very potent.
Believe me bro. Those days are gone. Autos can get as high as 24% THC. That's enuff to stone the unstoneable.
Indoors is another story all together. They never get big but they get very good cuz you controll everything.
Awesome ! Already ordered some auto seeds last night. Going to put some autos out and some regular as welL. Want to experiment with them both.
I hope U got feminized seed Cuz ?-- Each seed girl -- Stick with fast finishing indicas on photos ! -- The starting the plants indoors and moving them outside ?-- They got this ascending and descending light schedule --So U match outside day length and avoid the reveg and stuff !-- It is a pain in daass !-- I would start some regular photos seed sex them and find a girl -- I would chop her to pieces for clones -- Make as many plants as I want and know they all girls !- Come spring I'd take a mess of rooted cuttings to the woods after last frost ---They'll straighten up soon enough !--- A few here a few there !-- U let an auto male get loose you'll end up with a life time of auto seed !-- I'm a cloner so got no use for autos !

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