anyone grow outdoors straight from seeds, as in, just sticking the seeds directly in the ground? I'm cautious about bringing seedlings to the grow spot and would much prefer to just bring a pouch of seeds and poke them into the ground.
Maximlis said:Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Can you tell me why marijuana is useful?
Down here in my area anything in a treetop that sticks out from the regular foliage would most likely be seen as mistletoe growth!...Especially when the heat has even burnt the mesquite!..The only green life is mistletoe!..Personally, Ive never heard of treetop operations...Sounds like a PITA to me.Ekoostik_Hookah said:""That's also fairly susceptible to helicopters. So, if they look for grows in your area with heli's you might want to stray away from this. It is a pretty effective way to hide your grow from people on the ground.""
Do you understand how hard it would be to see a single MJ plant in a huge tree.
I have done it several times in a tree, and i was never worried about heli's seeing my plants.
I had 4 in one tree once, they all grew to about 5+ feet tall..
The Heli's are looking on the ground for plants man, not on the tips of trees...... for sure
In my opinion planting on private property is very disrespectful. You either want to find state land, or natural protected forests. I always plant directly in the ground. I used 50 by 50 rows back in the 80's. Out lined my area in stale urine that I saved from the road trips to and from my grow areas. I used old (and new) deer carcass's to keep predators in the area. I also found planting near water to be a bad idea- in my opinion. A lot of times I'd come back midway through grow and half my plants were gone because of so many animals. This is also bad for another reason too. Most often then not people, little kids, will follow bodies water or at least stay near to one so they know where they are. My theory is always plant more than you want cause you never what nature could hold in store
But to perfect the outdoor grow, get legal and move out of town where you can use your own garden.