Outdoor Cultivation (Guerilla Grow) Tips

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anyone grow outdoors straight from seeds, as in, just sticking the seeds directly in the ground? I'm cautious about bringing seedlings to the grow spot and would much prefer to just bring a pouch of seeds and poke them into the ground.
Thanks alot everyone i found this thread very imformative. I personally have never done Guerilla growing and only have a little experience outdoors but after reading this thread i deffinately plan on doing some stealth grows. One thing that i can add to the whole bug, pests, and animal situation is using NEEM OIL but remember to spray the plants with fresh PH'D water shortly after so you dont promote burn. Another trick is male fox urine which helps keep away rabbits, deer, squirrel anything of that nature that may cause you some problems Irish Spring soap also work well. Thanks again i hope this was helpful. Have fun and be safe. -BEEZY-
Found This on Guerrilla growing thought i would post it here.........

Guerrilla farming mean farming outdoors, away from your own property, or in a remote location of your property where people seldom roam around. It is possible to find locations that for one reason or another are not easily accessible or are privately owned. Try to grow off your property, on adjacent property, so that if your plot is found, it will not be traceable back to you. If it's not on your property, nobody has witnessed you there, and there is no physical evidence of your presence (footprints, fingerprints, trails, hair, etc.), then it is virtually impossible to prosecute you for it, even if the cops think they know who it belongs to. Let me stress that: farm off your property and leave no physical evidence.

Make sure your cannabis plants are out of sight. Take a different route to get to them if they are not in a secure part of your property, and cover the trail to make it look as if there is no trail. Make cut backs in the trail, so that people on the main trail will tend to miss the cut-back to the grow area. Don't park on the main road, always find a place to park that will not arouse suspicion by people that pass on the road. Always have a good reason for being in the area and have the necessary items to make your claim believable.


Germinate your marijuana seeds at home and replant outdoors after 2 weeks. Always grow high yield outdoor cannabis seeds strains, do not waste your time and effort for bagseeds. Try to plant under trees, next to bushes and keep only a few plants in any one spot. Train or top the plants to grow sideways, or do something to prevent the classic christmas tree look of most plants left to grow untrained. Tying the top down to the ground will make the plants branches grow up toward the sun, and increase yield, given a long enough growing season. Plants can be grown under trees if the sun comes in at an angle and lights the area for several hours every day. Plants should get at least 5 hours of direct early morning sun every day, and 5 more hours of indirect light. Use shoes that you can dispose of later and cover your foot prints. Use surgical gloves and leave no fingerprints on pots and other items that might ID you to the fuzz... in case your plot is discovered by passers by.

Put up a fence, or the chipmunks, squirrels, and deer will nibble on your babies until there is nothing left. Green wire mesh and nylon chicken fencing net work great and can be wrapped around trees to create a strong barrier. Always check it and repair every visit you make to the garden. A barrier of fishing line, one at 18" and another at 3' will keep most deer away from your crop. The best fence in the world will not keep rats away from your plants! Do not use soap to keep dear away, it will attract rats! (The fat in the soap is edible for them.) Put the poison grain in a feeder than only small rodents can enter, so that birds and deer can't eat it. Set out poison early, before actual planting. The rats must eat the grain for several days before it will have any effect on them. Ultimately, you may find it's easier to grow in a greenhouse shed in your own backyard rather than try to keep the rats from eating your outdoor plot.

When growing away from the house, in the wild, water is the biggest determining factor, after security. The amount you can grow is directly proportional to the water available. If you must pack-in water, carry it in a backpack in case your seen in-route to your garden; you will appear to be merely a hiker, not a grower.

Transporting vegetative starts to the growing area is a most tricky aspect of growing outdoors, but germinating your marijuana seeds in spot is out of the question. Usually, you will want to germinate the cannabis seeds at home, keep seedlings indoors, or outside in your garden, then transport them to the grow site once they are firmly established. It may be desirable to first detect and separate males from females so that no effort of transporting/transplanting/watering males is incurred. Male female cannot be told by looking at the cannabis seeds, so you have to wait for seedlings to show sex signs.

One suggestion is to use 3" rockwool cubes to start seedlings in, then put 20 of them in a litter pan, cover it with another pan, and transport this to the grow site. The cubes can be planted directly into soil. If spotted in-route to the grow area, burying a dead cat may be a good excuse for being in the area. Few people would demand to see the rotting corpse!
It is important to start your guerrilla garden with quality genetics, preferably high yielding cannabis seeds strain, pest and cold resistant if you plan to plant early in the season. Most reputable seedbanks carry marijuana seeds varieties for early spring outdoor growing.
Alot Of people say to use irish spring soap but it states above that it will attract rats im gonna do some more research and will get back to you all with my findings
Here are somethings I've found online confirming that rodents eat soap.

- "Something I found out recently - mice love to eat soap; so store any soap you keep outside in a container. I had a cake of it in my shed and it seems it was a tasty feast for them. They'll also eat leather and cloth if other food sources aren't available."

- "Rats have also been known to eat Soap, leather, furs, candy, milk, meat, vegetables, poultry, eggs, grain, seeds, fruit, nuts, snails and other rodents. A rat can eat a third of its body weight each day."

- "Rats will eat almost anything. Like most rodents, their original food would have been grain and seeds, but they have adapted their diet to include anything they can gnaw on; stored grain and vegetables, leftover food, waste of all kinds, even the likes of chipboard and soap! They will also take animal prey like worms and insects. Their instinct for gnawing is so strong that they will also gnaw on things that have no food value, such as plastic and electrical wiring. And all this makes them a pest
I live in the Ozark mountains, and have been growing outdoors for 20+ years. I also used to rock climb, before I became disabled. I combined my two hobbies, and started crevice growing. I would find southern facing rock faces, with some crevices. I would buy some small size hardware cloth, about like window screen. Using hardware cloth, build a bowl in a crevice, about 20 yards from the bottom of a rock face. Fill with amended soil, and transplant into the amended soil.
One of the cool things about crevice growing is that if it rains on top of the mountain the water tends to run down the crevice watering your babies. Another cool thing is that people are not looking for weed growing out of a crevice. Make sure you do not choose rock faces that are popular with climbers, for obvious reasons. If you choose your grow spots well, you will never lose your plants to rippers or the LEO. I crevice grew for over 10 years without ever losing plants to animals, rippers, or cops.

Peace Out
One thing that I stumbled upon.
I had white flies on 3 of my girls and trips on another and after resolving partially the pests I've moved them in to the wild, thing that resolved the problem with their pests completely.
Hey im new to this forum!!
but i live on the east coast of australia, i live in a little town near the beach with hot climate, my mate threw me a bag of seeds the other day bout fourty in there i just a few questions on it cause i wanna grow

1. i wanna no wat the right seeds are to pick.
2.i wanna no where i should start off planting them (ground or in container etc..)
3.i also wanna no weather i need any impiticular soil?

So if someone could help that'd be sick cheers =D
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Can you tell me why marijuana is useful?
Maximlis said:
Thanks for sharing your knowledge. Can you tell me why marijuana is useful?

max, its useful for very many things.. just do some research, the pro's of mary jane is unbelievably overwhelming in a good way, its just great!!

i believe its a cure for cancer... That in it self is SO big of a positive thing, that i can't believe more people won't allow this to be totally legal..

thanks for your 30 or 40 minutes, TheStickyIcky, it really helps much. I'm a new grower. I've been living in Yunan province of China for four years for my college study and many guys do outdoor growing there.
Ekoostik_Hookah said:
""That's also fairly susceptible to helicopters. So, if they look for grows in your area with heli's you might want to stray away from this. It is a pretty effective way to hide your grow from people on the ground.""

Do you understand how hard it would be to see a single MJ plant in a huge tree.
I have done it several times in a tree, and i was never worried about heli's seeing my plants.
I had 4 in one tree once, they all grew to about 5+ feet tall..

The Heli's are looking on the ground for plants man, not on the tips of trees...... for sure
Down here in my area anything in a treetop that sticks out from the regular foliage would most likely be seen as mistletoe growth!...Especially when the heat has even burnt the mesquite!..The only green life is mistletoe!..Personally, Ive never heard of treetop operations...Sounds like a PITA to me.
Threads kinda old Little Brother,,,but ya would need to be a Monkey to grow in a freaken tree.:D
Ahh crap...I'm new...havent figured all this out yet..Last forum I spent time in was about honeybees.....Sorry guys... a day late and a dollar short!
Natural growing of cannabis outdoors has been the favored method over the centuries. Growing weed outside simply means fresh air, natural sunlight, soil.
i need help growing girl scout what are the nutrients for it?:smoke1::vap-leafy_wave:
Has any used a greenhouse for outdoor growing? Would you consider that Guerilla growing?
In my opinion planting on private property is very disrespectful. You either want to find state land, or natural protected forests. I always plant directly in the ground. I used 50 by 50 rows back in the 80's. Out lined my area in stale urine that I saved from the road trips to and from my grow areas. I used old (and new:rolleyes:) deer carcass's to keep predators in the area. I also found planting near water to be a bad idea- in my opinion. A lot of times I'd come back midway through grow and half my plants were gone because of so many animals. This is also bad for another reason too. Most often then not people, little kids, will follow bodies water or at least stay near to one so they know where they are. My theory is always plant more than you want cause you never what nature could hold in store;)

But to perfect the outdoor grow, get legal and move out of town where you can use your own garden.

Growing on private property might be disrespectful, but in some locations there is no other option. Private land with a semi active landowner works best for me. Those landowners have trails they monitor and go in and out on. The biggest advantage here is you know where this guy is gonna be. The second biggest advantage is poachers and recreational atv riders don't snoop around in those woods. The landowner want mind at all if he doesn't find out and he will have some small but very fertile additions made to his land.
This thread us really old. Yehaaaaaaaaa

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