i like to do my grows that are only accessible by boat also.i do alot of fishing and this is the plan for the summer on private property too.
slowmo77 said:i've found it very useful to plant near creeks and streams. not so close that someone walking the creek could find my plants but close enough were i don't have to carry water in ever. a big black trash bag rolled up in your pocket will hold more water than you can carry without ripping, its easy to carry and easy to work with. fill it up with as much as you can carry without killin yourself, then when your ready to water just cut a small hole in the corner and let it pour. twist and tie to stop the water. works like a charm.
i also take a medium container with me filled with what ever nutes i plan to use. then i bury it that way its there when i need it and less to carry in. but make sure its buried where YOU can find it. i mark things buried with old rusty coke cans under the leaves or something that blends in the area that only i would remember to look for. good luck this year and stay safe everyone
Ekoostik_Hookah said:Ya i guess so, what do ya mean by "make" ?? ( like why in quotes)
all i really do is measure the size of the burlap, then i line a bucket with the burlap.....then transplant the plant into the burlap/bucket...
then just tie off the burlap...and pull it out of the bucket.
then walah you got a burlap grow bag.
Its great that they make camo burlap))))
Ekoostik_Hookah said:Pee on bushes, or plants that are near your plants.
DONT pee on the soil close to your plants......you just want your urine sent in the area...i believe it keeps deer away, and they will not nest where you have marked with urine...
As far as protecting against bugs.....i spray a circle of killer.reppelent on the wildlife around my plants.....not close enough to get on the mj plants, but enough to keep some bugs out of the area.
Also, if your looking to do just a few ourdoor mj plants...i would say learn about tree top growing.....its advised that your a good climber...but tree top grows are very stelthy, and can get lots of light.