I had the plant in the corner of my home office with lights running 20/4. Two small Vornado fans on low ran constantly. I used aluminum foil as reflectors and didn't do any sort of tenting or enclosure. I have central air. Temp is/was 77 (or less) & humidity is about 55%. On sunny warm days I took the plant out on the patio where it sat until the sun went down. Mind you, this is south Florida and the time to take advantage of the outdoor sun is winter. It was very dry with temps in the mid-seventies and there were no bugs. At no time did the plant/flowers ever get wet. At the end of March, I kept the plant inside to finish the grow (90 days). Dried the mostly lose nugs on two racks placed on top of my stacked washer/dryer adjacent to a ceiling A/C vent accompanied by a small fan on low for a few day then put them in two brown paper bags for about a week. Now they are in jars and at the point where I'm opening them once a day. No mold. The stuff is killer smoke. Four pipe hits and that's it!