Nutes Clones!?>!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2008
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i forgot to ask, but from my last question i was saying have 12 clones under a 600 watt light, been under it for 24 hours so far, and at midnight (6 hrs from now) im gona start htem on an 18/6. so i just got em' yesterday, when should i give them nutes? they've been in a moisture material thing that they came in and i planted them with it (as it says to).

when should i start nutes for these babys too?
U got it under a HPS? No nuits till they root. THen go to 15% for 3 days then full strength
Megatron said:
U got it under a HPS? No nuits till they root. THen go to 15% for 3 days then full strength

Sounds a bit aggresive on the nutes, I dont ever go full strength especially after 3 days. Full strength nutes will fry a 3 day old clone.
I have to agree with Growdude on this id hold off till after they have rooted well and you have seen new growth. then go with a 1/4 strength dose for a couple weeks till you see how the plants take to it and then you can raise or lower the dosage to fit your plants needs.
I used to water my clones (in jiffy pellets) with a seaweed solution.
Keep them under fluorescents 18/6 till roots were showing.
Transplant into 1gal containers.
Continue 18/6 for 10 to 14 days, still using seaweed solution.
When I moved them into the flowering chamber I began to feed 1/2 strength flowering nutes straight off

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