neighbors and thier yard sales

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2008
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hiya guys and gals

i just want to :rant: :rant:about my next door neighbors for the last month they have had 3 big yard sales,,,,now that i know its there,,, it still dont help,,,, because ever door i hear a door shut or when i hear them pull up,,, no matter what im looking i try to tell myself to stop doing it but it doesnt help,,, now no way do they know that im growing and it is just a yard sale ,,, im guessing i just want to know if yall have any ideas to help my nerves out,,, im tied of my heart racing!!

I don't know how or why anyone would want to have that many yard sales!

I had a Garage sale for 3 days this last summer and that was enough for me!
it's a lot of work!

I had most of the sale stuff out in the drive so peops didnt have to come into the garage.

I didn't worry about anything.

you shouldn't worry, those people are just looking for deals- they are not even thinking of MJ, (unless they are smokers themselves)

we should just chill and smoke a fatty!:48:
well i know why they are having so many,, which we live on a beach and after oct. just about the whole beach gets laid off,,, so money wise i understand what they doing but if the going to have so many they should go to the flea market,,,,, after what my 2 sons has put me thru this last year with the law,,,,, any car that pulls,,, im a up looking sigh!!
i hear a door shut or when i hear them pull up,,, no matter what im looking i try to tell myself to stop doing it but it doesnt help
Maybe force yourself to cover your eyes the next time it happens.. just be like "alright, if it's the police, I'm caught anyways, so I'm just going to sit here with my eyes closed, because logically I know it's not them anyways."

A few times, and you should get used to it. :)

Gotta love paranoia, eh?
I get paranoid sometimes. I just reason with myself and put it out of my head.

I think that by and large, in order to get busted a person needs to tell the wrong person or persons. Even if a person should rat you out, it seems to me that the police would need some evidence before raiding you. I don't believe that merely telling the police that someone is growing is sufficient evidence for them to conduct a raid. I tell the cops that you're growing. So what! What I say is just hearsay.

Another way of getting busted would be to have lots of people coming over, staying for short amounts of time and then leaving. Also, a big grow operation might get you busted. However, one annscrib living who knows where, growing in the privacy of her home shouldn't have anything to worry about. You are one person out of about 6.5 billion people on this planet that could possibly be annscrib growing weed.

You are a small fish that the man never thinks about.

So, next time you get to feeling paranoid just remind yourself of the reasons why the police have no reason to show up at your house for your plants.

Regarding your two sons and the law, that's something else. If you think the cops have a reason to stop by again, then maybe you should be concerned. However, if that incident is behind you, then why worry? The police don't have anymore reason to contact you over it, do they?
Just go have some errrrr "personal" time and "relieve" some stress. Followed by a J and you won't care whats going on outside.
Just remember the protocals:
1. Don't tell anyone around you
2. Disquise it and don't leave evidence
3. Revert back to #1

Like you said they are just getting money up for the winter on the beach.
I get a little nervous like that sometimes when I light up a spliff, but a few minutes later there is a voice in my head that asks:
"What the hell was I thinking?" and then I laugh about it.

It is only your marijuana growers survival instinct kicking in-lol

Go over and buy a little something-I got a nice big kitchen cabinet to put up in the shop this summer-5 bucks.

I'm sorry about your nerves but i am happy to hear i'm not the only one who stops for a sec every time i hear a car door.:eek:
anncrib.. you live on beach? me too... yeppie you not alone... but it's important just to act cool... mind your own business so they do not get in yours.. if you act you gonna get in their business.. they would like to see what business you got... those people on the beach like to mind their own business... keep that way..... what happen in my roof does stay in my roof..

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