painterdude said:
They are pleasant to talk with huh? Good luck with quiting ciggs..It took me many trys..but am happy to say its beeen 12 years now and wouldny think of draging on those again..stay strong and stay powerfull..your stronger then that cancer stick..I found Sunflower seeds and loly pops to help with the actions..I tried the Patch but was smokeing and wearing same time..I think it also has to be with the readyness..if your truely ready to quite..then i believe you can..Heres a pic of me just so you know..Im a Male..that grows Female weed:giggle: take care and be safe:bolt::bong:
Oh thats Frosting by the way:lama:
Hey this really you?.....are you from Texas?.....and what's with the Longhorn?....and what a nice plant 'fouryoutwo' proud of you many people on this site have given their history of fighting off the smoking habit.......12 years, that is incredible......I am having problems right now, stress from my stupid TV not wanting to allow me access to all my movies that I recorded for three months of free HBO, Starz, etc......called them, and 'Carol from Oklahoma' said that they had a one cent price increase in their rental fees and that caused the system to go apesh#&.....broke right down, smoked a cigg, and now am dealing with some kind of weird guilt....
Am also wearing the patch and smoking.....doesn't make allot of sense does it?
Anyways, next time show more 'skin'.....painterdude