My Second Grow! 12/12 from seed, Closet Grow, LST. Whooo!

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Well still one seedling....i must of done somthing wrong...hmm but the 2 i germed yesterday there little taproots are starting to poke out...ill give them anouther day to plant. The sprout that i do have is doing great so im pretty happy...also mnis coming down today.....she smells SOOOOOO good im so excited....for a seed that i didnt mean to plant and that was neglected in light and everything else im pretty happy, took a test nug and i was on my arse.....Well here you are...anouther sucessful harvest :D Minis out and everythings rearranged....muchhhh better. haha shes next to me and just the smells making my eyes water....check out my other GJ for harvest pics :) Enjoy!







good stuff man. i'm going to start germing some pineapple skunk seeds tonight and order others tomorrow. looks like we'll be doing basically a side by side grow again.... good stuff. glad to see mini turned out. toke it
:) sounds good pretty excited man haha. but I messed the other 3 seeds out some how that why they didnt sprout but by tomorow ill have 3 germed seeds with taproots so ill have 3 more plants within 3 days...then i may germ 4 more for a total of 8 this grow :D Ice princess didnt smell anything but the box when the whole plant was drying....My WHOLE house smells from mini its so amazing but i can already tell this will be some good bud....smoke report in 2-3 days :cool2:
hey sup MT lookin good so far , how was mini? should be starting my new grow journal in the next couple weeks sometime cant wait to be back on here with u guys!
well all of the small buds were dry this morning...i woke up at 8:00am and smoked them and i just came down...and it was a small amount of bud to..minis amazing!! The top cola should be done drying tomorow...ill post pics :) Also one other seedling sprouted...i planted it way to deep in the soil that was all...the other 2 just didnt sprout so ill be putting 2 more in dirt tomorow...and i may end up with a 5th plant because i wasnt expecting the other one to sprout haha...Pics'll be up tomorow :) I'm looking foward to your next grow Greg :D Hows alices' reveg comming along?
she died.. lol waiting on some natural african strains to come..
I should of read the journal haha sorry about that man...Im looking foward to the next grow
Im so stoned from this haha..much better than the bigger plant!...i give it a 10 outta 10 im so high haha :stoned:


Hey MT - You are a riot. I get a kick out of your crazyness.

Nice little purty little bud ya got there. I'll be right over to give it a try.:) Good luck on your growing endeavors.

hey buddy sorry i only just caught up with this grow...been high recently:giggle: hehe

Anyway you got me in suspenders!!! I can't wait to see what strains you got!! :D I did the same thing with my first lowryder a few weeks back and planted it far too deep...i was baked at the time oops I hate waiting for them to pop above soil. Its so great when the seed cracks but then you gotta wait again grrr

Mind if I pull up a chair?
hehe its cool MT.. alice def didnt turn out to be what i thought she would , whatever male got her mum was sum dirt weed male.. plus i did a few things wrong but hey 2nd -3rd - 4th times a charm right? lol
I think i got about 6 grams dry from mini (alittle more than what was in the pic) but overall the most intense highs ive ever had. I wish i knew the strain because it'd be the first id grow again and again haha. But the seedlings are doing great...But yesterday I was gone all day and the timer had been shut off somhow and she had a full day of dark :huh: but shes now doing good and i made sure thats never going to happen again..haha. But the second sprouted yesterday and i should have a 3rd by today....yesterday i planted it and it had a long taproot so it should be all good. Im transplanting in about a week into a 3 month feed mix with the organic...i heard its a great combo. The biggest is just starting to grow its secondary node...but stay tuned :D
(The pic of all of the makes the biggest seedling look stretched...its not.)




Sorry for the LONG lack of updates haha...ive been sooooo busy latley....Well plant one and three are females :D Plant one...Lucy...was LST'ed today and takng it great....the others are at least a week or two away from being able to tell sex.....Im amazed my first 2 were both female....the second female...plant sooooo strong and amazing im not even going to LST comming tomorow. Check post #8 (first page) for the dates they sprouted :)
sounds awesome MT can't wait for to see some pics of these beauties..! take it easy man
Well theres going to be 4 posts of updates for each plant....Lets start with plant 1....Lucy. Her first day of LST was 5 days ago and last night i added a second tie.....shes taking it great and getting bushy....TONS of bud sites....Im going to have 10X more bud than my first grow and that was alot....soooo excited...but here she is at 31 days from sprouting...:hubba: :D
Her strain is Northern Lemon (Northern Lights x Lemon Skunk)
Plant 2 Comming Next....soon.
PS. So far 3/4 are female!!!!!! :eek:






Looking good so far. Keep us posted as I will be watching. I love your micro grow. Keep up the good work. Take care and be safe.

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