here are some pics of the CFL room.
pic 1- "muteena" named because of her deformed leaves, she is kinda like the bride of frankenstein
pic 2- "muteena" not a clear shot of the bud, but nice focus on the leaves with crystals all over them.
pic 3- "muteena" she sits directly between two CFL lights, one 2700k and one 6500k, total lumens of those two bulbs is 3200 lumens.this is good for my experement in two ways, one because that top bud is getting 50/50 mix of red and blue lightand second, this is allowing almost no light intensity lose because the bulb is so close. this is where the CFL's are good, look how close that bud is to the bulbs, you put a HPS bulb that close and you will fry the plant.
pic 4- bud on one of the other females in the CFL flower room.
pic 5- i like how bushy the growth is on the plants in the CFL room, and the plants are much greener and healthier looking. we have a couple of nice fat leave plants, two in the CFL and one in the HPS room, they all look great, the fat leave one in the HPS room is by far the best looking one in there. the rest of the plants have long skinny leaves, since all these plants are from bagseed who the heck knows what kind of plants they are.
pic 5- just a down low shot of the plants under the CFL lights. 12 bulbs total, 10 2700k 1600 lumens bulbs, and 2 6500k 1600 lumens bulbs.
things look good in both rooms, we have five females in each room so its a pretty even score, we are SOOOOo excited we ended up with 10 FEMALES out of 10 BAGSEEDS from random street weed we have suffered thru over the past year or so.
if my CFL plants are pretty close in weight and size to the HPS plants then our plans are to d away with the HPS room altogether and just run CFL's only. then at that point we want to increase the light output in the CFL room to match the lumens in the in the HPS room. my HPS light is a 400w 53,000 lumens bulb, the CFL room only has about 19,200 lumens in it now. i think given the right amount of light to match the HPS light i think we can get better results from CFL's over the HPS.
so stay tuned.