Mids seeds & good weed?

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Sep 13, 2009
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Hey, Im planning on growing outdoors in late march (is that too early?, it gets hot around here real hot quick) or early april; I did have a **** load of seeds from various strains (all mids; to cheap to buy them), but I forgot them @ my old residence so now all I have is some seeds i procured from some mids (i presume it to be indica, its almost brownish), but the seeds are small and only 2 are actually brownish black.

In short, can I grow good weed from mid seeds?

I would assume the answer to be yes, because all weed is a certain strain & it only becomes mids if it becomes polinated & has seeds; right?
Ganjovi said:
Hey, Im planning on growing outdoors in late march (is that too early?, it gets hot around here real hot quick) or early april; I did have a **** load of seeds from various strains (all mids; to cheap to buy them), but I forgot them @ my old residence so now all I have is some seeds i procured from some mids (i presume it to be indica, its almost brownish), but the seeds are small and only 2 are actually brownish black.

In short, can I grow good weed from mid seeds?

I would assume the answer to be yes, because all weed is a certain strain & it only becomes mids if it becomes polinated & has seeds; right?

You can grow good weed from any seeds..
Mid grade doesn't mean it has seeds it also just don't have alot of THC.
What the heck is Mids?? Medium grade weed? Or is mid a term for hermie or something? Is it Meds? as in medical weed?
Ok thanks, thats what i figured.

Now can you tell me if whitish looking seeds will germinate?

I've been told they need to be brownish black & if they have stripes on them they are good.
Hamster Lewis said:
What the heck is Mids?? Medium grade weed? Or is mid a term for hermie or something? Is it Meds? as in medical weed?

That would be mids as in mid grade (medium grade); just a slang term.

I would ussually refer to mids as any bud with seeds.

Now as for the seeds; will white looking seeds (i'm guessing they're premature or something) germinate?
gan I am germing one right now I will let you know. It was a single seed that came from a half of good herb so maybe it will work...who knows lol. I have read that white seeds are sometimes fine. Just to never use cracked or broken seeds.
*****. Works great:aok:
most likely its mexi sativa grown a bit better than swagg status but its the same strain just grown a bit better so its "mids"
good luck with the "mid" bag seeds.The last time I actually purchased weed (long ago) I never saw a seed.Way back when I bought weed and it did have seeds in it,all I got was a late sativa,and herms.I'm crossing my fingers for ya'
Stay cool
we have lots of bag seeds. (mids, or midi's) as in mid grade weed. i have found quite a few shockers in some mids beans.;) ...got some purps this season from some. as for the smoke, well, not finished as of yet...

good luck bro...
white seeds usually don't germ, too immature. You can't go by the size; I've grown some tiny little seeds that all popped.
Thanks for all the responses fellas.

As for the little white seeds I guess there's only 1 way to find out & hopefully the end result isn't any friggin hermaphrodites or males. Im pretty anxious about the spring hurrying up & getting here, it's gonna b a long wait but I have a feeling it will pay off.
plenty of time to get in some reading and knowledge gathering here then Ganjovi.:) ...

best to be prepared...;)

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