Mentalpatient's White Berry Grow

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are you not afraid of your plants getting to big when you flower them?
or will your setup change for that
still looking great
im anxious to see those girls bud.
Hamster Lewis said:
Still looking bushy as hell kid... amazing job... they are so compact and GREEN.... enjoy the herb and the friends...:D
Haha I know eh! Well, the smaller WB isn't really all that bushy, I think she'll show her true power when she recieves higher temperatures. But I still think it could be the soil that's hurting her. She weighs twice as much as the bigger girl. She also has a mixture of different soils so that might also be a hinderance. At least she's alive and that makes me happy :).

thedonofchronic said:
are you not afraid of your plants getting to big when you flower them?
or will your setup change for that
still looking great
im anxious to see those girls bud.
No, not worried at all. If they get too big, I'll gladly put them outdoors where they will recieve proper lighting. I believe it is 10k lumens per square foot outdoors! My ladies would absolutely LOVE that! If anything, I'll flower the bigger White Berry in there and put the smaller one outside or the other way around. I believe it's always a good idea to have something indoors just in case something happens to your outdoor crop.
You'll have to wait a bit longer until I flower them ;). I need to take many more clones before I switch the lights. But, I'm going to flower two clones in a little box I made that's only meant to grow a single cola for 1 or 2 plants. So that'll be really neat, we'll get to see White Berry's magic.
Mental, When you go to move your clones outside will you do anything to condition them? It's such a change from inside light to outside. I've heard that they can burn because of the change. Also do you light to use the cubes for rooting cuttings or soil? I'm going to try the Rapid Rooter plugs that I use for seeds. Your girls look GREAT!!
man that thing is going to b monster. thats some good vegging shes gettin. the nodeing look insane cant wait for the bloom pics.
Wow, haven't been over here in a while. All I can say is wow, your little bushies are simply amazing.

I saw in one of your pic's you showed what you were using to clone with, what is the rooting hormone your using? Is it a powder?
Every time I look at the pics of your plants I think of little cousin its from the Adams are gonna get some nice dense nuggets on those...yummy
unogrowdude said:
Mental, When you go to move your clones outside will you do anything to condition them? It's such a change from inside light to outside. I've heard that they can burn because of the change. Also do you light to use the cubes for rooting cuttings or soil? I'm going to try the Rapid Rooter plugs that I use for seeds. Your girls look GREAT!!
Hey there uno, hope you're keeping it green over there :). I normally put my rooted clones in the sun whenever possible at least a week or so before planting outdoors. I have also neglected doing this 'hardening off' technique in the past and my clones turned out fine. No stress or burn marks from my experience. They acted just like they were simply transplanted. But this doesn't exempt me from future problems if I do it again. I could have had just mild sun/temperature exposure that did no harm.
I use the cubes solely for putting cuttings in. When they root, I put the whole cube into soil.
Heard of those rapid rooter plugs... do those expand when you soak them?

goneindawind said:
man that thing is going to b monster. thats some good vegging shes gettin. the nodeing look insane cant wait for the bloom pics.
Thanks bro. But I've seen your grow, and let me tell you that you have a monster! Sheesh your lady is looking incredible. Yup, I'm looking forwards to some blooming as well. Each top flower is going to look like a nice sized cola judging by the growth.

I saw in one of your pic's you showed what you were using to clone with, what is the rooting hormone your using? Is it a powder?
My rooting hormone is called Stim-Root No.2 and is for semi-hardwood plants I believe. Not sure exactly what that means but I believe marijuana is semi-hardwood. It is indeed a powder.

March 25

Temperatures are rising again outside, good stuff for my plants. I also got some more propane so I can keep the temps nicely around 20-28 no problem. I think growth for all my plants will resume back to normal from here on.

Watered the ladies today as well as the little tiny ones in the smaller containers. They are showing signs of stress but it was just the cold from the past week that caused it. They are under a 42w bulb and hit from the side with a 23W. They should start growing a bit faster now.

Took two more clones last night. Couldn't really find much more nice sized ones from the big girl. The smaller girl only has some main shoots at the moment. I'm sure she'll start growing a nice number of shoots off those shoots.

No nutrients yet. The bigger girl is loving life while the smaller one might be in need of nutes or could use a flush.







Yeah Mental I see a lil bit of stress on them but not too bad... still looking real good... I need to get me a clone set up like yours bro... I think my clone has had it... here is some GREEN MOJO for your plants buddy....
how tall is she now? did u start from seed or clone? thanks for the kind words on the sour but yo girl is deff. goin b some eye candy 4 sure.
Yikes, hamster, what happened to your clone?

Oh and goneindawind, I don't know how tall, sorry. Started from seed. Picked the smallest seed and she turned out nice :).
MeNtAlPaTiEnT said:
Yikes, hamster, what happened to your clone?

Oh and goneindawind, I don't know how tall, sorry. Started from seed. Picked the smallest seed and she turned out nice :).

Yeah Mental I feel like a bad Daddy... my clone looks like I abused it...:confused: I think I need to get some rock wool cubes and a proper dome like you hve... The only good thing is that since my 2 in the DWC are confirmed females I hve plenty of new clone possibilities... My cloning technique sure needs some fine tuning to say the least...
yea looks like there comming along alright,
is that heat stress or nute burn?
i uploaded a load of pics on my gj take a look!
Hey mental, The rapid rooting plugs keep their shape, they sit in a molded crate that fits into a 10X20 try just like the one you do your cloning in. The crate sits about 1/2 inch above the bottom of the tray. You add just enough water to touch the bottom of the plugs and it gives them just the right moisture content. When it comes time to clone I'll probably use them, but I've also though of buying a gro clone manchine. I've got some time to think it over.
March 31

Things are going alright. Good temps are doing the ladies a whole lot of good.

The biggest lady is stretching a bit now that she's not getting as much direct light as before. She's just so big my lights can't get her whole body. At least since she's stretching, she's allowing light to get inside.

My smaller White Berry seems to look the same as last update. I think something is definately up. But she has gotten a bit taller though.

Took 4 top shoot cuttings and 2 regular inside-the-plant cuttings. First time cutting any of her main shoots this year. I wonder how they will fair compared to the cuttings that came from inside the plant. Cutting some of the main shoots definately opened her up to more light. I wonder why I didn't do this earlier... Guess I was thinking about keeping most of the top shoots intact for budding... but she's a mother plant and the plan originally was to take as many clones as possible.

Small plants in the red containers are about 3 weeks or so. They have really taken off the past week and grew roots coming out the bottom drain holes within a week and a half from transplanting. Not too shabby. Looks like they're doing their thing huh?

I think that's it for today. Errr... Tonight. Happy growing! :)





great to see an update,
looking better than ever.
your biggest is just great isnt she?
and the plants in the red pots all look real nice
not to mention healthy

there comming on nicely alright!
yea that mother is looking big and bushey!
and you collection of clones is getting bigger soon you'll have a fine collection!
Thanks ham. Cloning is lots of fun for me. I turn on some sublime or bob marley and start getting intimate with my plants. I make sure I have all my neccesary tools: Unused razor blade, rockwool cubes, cup or container of water, siccors, cloning jel, and lastly a few good branches to cut. I soak the cubes for a few minutes and go on a treasure hunt :). Right after I snip the branch I put the stem in water then into my rooting powder, knock off any excess powder and start clipping the leaves before putting it into the soaked cube. I think normally you're supposed to soak the cubes for something like 12 hours but I'm not entirely positive. Anyways, that's pretty much exactly how I take each clone. I also normally poke the hole a little deeper into the cube so it's nice and sturdy and I'm not forcing the cutting into the hole.

April 3

Changed the set-up a bit. Felt the plants in the red containers needed some more attention from the lights. The smaller White Berry probably won't mind the switch-up.

Added a fan that is mounted on the ceiling. It has 3 speeds and can rotate up/down and left/right. I leave the door to the box open a bit so I suppose that is my intake/out take. Seems to be working fine since temperatures and humidity levels and very nice (24C and 54% humidity)

Smaller White Berry has a very hard soil. This is probably why she's stunted. Any ideas on how to soften the soil up? The bigger White Berry has a nice somewhat soft-hard soil composure.

Clones are taking a while to root. I believe it's been about 3 weeks since I took the majority of them. One has gone very yellow... probably because it's been in there so long without any nutes at all. No roots yet on any of them unless I cut some cubes open in which case there will probably be some roots. None have poked through any cubes yet. The reason they are taking so long are the ambient temperatures (I believe). Just holding the cubes you can feel the coldness. But soon I'll probably see some roots regardless.
Oh and for anyone who noticed, I normally clip the outer edges of the leaves. It seems this year I have forgotten to do this to a few. Ohhhh wellll.

Got a new slider for my bong and those rubber pieces to make an air-tight seal. I've been needing these things for so long. My big purple ceramic-type bong has gone unused for almost half a year until today :). She still hits just like I remember she used to :p.







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