loads of stretch

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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2012
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I put these girls outside 4 days, 3 nights ago . this is whats happening over the last few days , seems a bit excessive , should I worry can I do anything about it.. also was amazed to see the roots were not the slightest bit root bound in the 2 gallon pot when I transfered it into a 5 gallon. (stabbing myself in the knee in the process) seems very slow root growth; but what do I know I've only ever done hydro before...

but in comparison unless I've screwed up this soil malarky is a lot slower than Hydro.... and the plants seem to have tiny leaves ( unless its the breed) but all on mine seem small; fruit spirit, sleastack, big Bomb. All I can think is the soil isnt fluffy enough , I cant find perlite around here, maybe the roots are just finding it hard to get through the dirt..

pics are of the stretchy Fruit Spirit..

fruit spirit 16th.JPG

fruit spirit 18th.JPG

fruit spirit day 3  flower.JPG
How old are the plants? How many hours of light were they getting before they went outside and what's your outdoor light duration now?

The stretching itself can be strain-based. Indoors I run Twilight and it will jump from 2-foot to 6-foot in about 3-4 weeks when put into flower from clones. Can't imagine what they would do under sun light.
What is your soil mix and nute regiment?
I also found soil to be quite a bit slower than hydro--however I will give that I am a newbie at this organic soil stuff and have DWC quite tuned in. I am thinking that your soil looks dense. There are other products than perlite to break up dense soil--vermiculite and gypsum come to mind right off the bat.
I had them on on 18/6 prior to bringing them out and they were dense with no signs of stretch.. our daylight hours here are are 12.08 at the moment so thats as near as damned 12/12. and the suns strong , tropics.

thje soil looks denser than it is as well i can push my finger right in without any real resistance. Every second day I water/ nutes solution alternatively.. Just switched to flower nutes today so can't be that. what do you think from the pics , do they look weird to you?

whats that about gypsum? as in paster? builders stuff? wont that solidify the soil make it like concrete? or turn the PH right up. not sure quite how that will work its a powder as far as I'm aware . not questioning you HG I know you know what your talking about. just seems weird.

But are you in agreement somethings amis here? do you think it will just pan out in the end or something has to change quick? The other plant I have that has been going through the exact same regime is looking bushy and good the only difference was I cut the FS right back almost to nothing when the top went floppy on me and I was worried about it being mold on the stem. thats why the plant has split like it has. to be honest didnt think it would survive but the 2 tiny wee green bits right at the bottom formed that interesting T junction , meant all the off shoots there after were coming straight up without any training.
I think your plants look like they will be ok.

What is the soil? It looks strange to me.
The gypsum is granular and is used to help aerate clay and dense soil. I use garden gypsum made for this purpose. I am not sure if you can get it in different forms and use it in the garden.

Can I use Dolmite? will that help. only thing I can find .. tried mixing some coarse sand but doesnt seem to make much difference on the soil density. also now using the stuff at farm suppiles. its got a nice crumble texter but pre mixed with pellet ferts and still goes muddy when wet; its got not peat stuff in it.

my worries with Dolmite is its going to push up the PH and I cant find Phospheric acid here as a buffer either.. could I just use some wood vineger to help balance Ph and help with bugs at same time?
Food stuffs are not really good to use as pH up and down. They are not too stable and don't last very long. I do not know where you live, but I find it hard to believe that you cannot find some kind of soil conditioner to break up heavy soil. Lime is not meant to condition soil. Sand is also not good for that purpose. I would be leery of soil with fertilizer pellets in it.
Maybe there is but I have a language barrier at the very least. I'm on an island in the indian ocean. I know it would be possible to mail order but have been trying to find local suppliers garden centers and farm shops. mostly things for the local vegetation Ie rubber trees. and tropical fruits. its been a much harder process growing here. and the soil is most definately the biggest issue. I have tried so many variables but all my surving plants have been stunted in growth small leaves and lack bushiness. At least today I have the 1st signs of flowers on 2 of my plants. to celebrate I will post a picture. please keep your fingers crossed for me that nothing else goes wrong. with all the problems growing and seed orders not showing up etc etc this has been a very expensive project..

1st sign of flower fruit spirit.jpg
relief found a soil that is much better , not perfect and no perlite or similar but not muddy, cant re pot my stretchy Fruit spirit though, she seems happy enough anyway now..

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