What the fk is so funny Wheelie,,Boco is trying to help this member,, You saying the growers on this forum are a joke because they check thier ph,,,and you know more then they do because you don't?
PH is important to all plants. Thats why you cant grow certain plants in certain areas of the country because of the make up of the soil.
I can take a fking weed and make it grow better then it does in the dirt with no help. Grass is one of those weeds that can be grown much greener and healthier in proper conditions. My yard is proof of that.
Tell that bullshit to some of these growers on here that's been growing for yrs and can definitely proof you wrong. This is a new member asking for help not some smart ass answer,,nor does anybody need you telling them they dont need to worry about PH on a pot plant because its a weed which is total bullshit. Yes you can grow your weed without doing anything but its not going to grow to its full potential,,,thats been proven by many growers doing side by side grows.
How about answering Cristofor29s question. Do you have an answer?