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stoner 420

Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Ok after two failed attempts i have germentated two more seeds and both cracked open so i planted them one in a solo cup (16 oz) and the other in a 1.5 gallon bucket i have 2 26 watt cfls both putting out 1700 lumens and a 100wat sunlight bulb putting out 1875 lumens... i have the two 26 watters like 2 inches from the sprouts and the sunlight bulb inbetween the other bulbs... oh yeah the 26 watters are soft white .. the box is staying about 80 to 87 and humidity is about 30 to 40 percent ...... i am using MG feeds for three months soil i have not made it to the hydro store yet... i am watering with distilled water.... i will post some pics later i am just seeing if i will get any replys before i do.... the seeds r bagseeds....

i have one problem the tips of the new growth has started to brown on one of the sprouts but the other is fine... what do yall think it is.......

i hope to get some replys i obviously need help considering i have not made it past the 3 set of nodes so pls help me in any way possible... i know there is alot of knowledge on this site i have read alot of it...........

thanks in advanced
hey man whats your temp brown tips usually means heat try moving your lights back a bit
Hey dude.... what's up??

Man, bummer about the first three tries...


brown tips from the get go... were they brown right when they popped out?

Considering this has happened again and again to you... I would check out..

The main one I'd consider is overwatering. The browning will hit new and older leaves including yellowing. If you want a great example of it, just check out my newest grow. :rolleyes: I fudged up one of my young'uns and she's never recovered. I make sure my Rapid Rooters are damp not soaked. I also use a very small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide to oxygenate the water.

The heat burn is a consideration, esp with that 'Sunlight' bulb. Do the tips look brown and crumbly (like burnt?). Usu you need a day or more to get burnt so if they started out brown this is probably not it.

Residue within the soil you're using can produce nute burn. I dunno what you're starting out with, but something to consider.

If this was the starting symptoms to your other two grows that failed, then perhaps letting us know the sequence might help us solve your problem. :aok:

I do not think there is anything such as a brown thumb. I mercilessly killed my houseplants before tuning into ganja. I still make mistakes, everyone does, but recognizing them, turning it around and gaining confidence (not cockiness, that's the stage where I get humbled LOL) is key.
I have only just started myself, but I would like to try and help. I have successfully used tap water with soil (7.0ph and 400ppm), not the best scenario, but plants are doing great. I have since switched to reverse osmosis filtration for the hydro, but I mix in some hydrogaurd, or hydrogen peroxide. My point is, in soil, IMO tap water is not completely a bad thing. The chlorine, etc in the tap water should help keep pathogens down and will contain a few trace minerals they can use (I believe). Might wanna try giving them a little tap water, or (as Zarnon said) hydrogen peroxide every week or so, I'm sure it won't hurt.

Another thing, I'm sure you are on a budget, but you got to do something about that 'feeding' soil, sounds like you got nute lockup or something before. I did some time consuming research at home depot today and noticed there are several $4 big bags of soil that looked like they were (mostly) nute free. Or you could try and dilute what you have by mixing in some more perlite, sphagnum, peat etc.

I tried big and little pots and smaller pots DEFINATELY are easier for the beginner, I have a few plants that have been transplanted 3 or 4 times in one month and they have outgrown the others that started in big pots (1 gallon or more).

I see alot of flouro bulbs being used, I personally believe that if there is any way possible to get a 24 or 48 inch fixture in there, do it. For the initial cost of the $9 fixture, you get more coverage, a reflector, mixed bulbs. If you have any mechanical ability, you can remote the ballasts, probably removing all heat issues. My plants have grown overnight right into my bulbs, with no burn, even when overdriven.

I am certainly no expert, but if you checkout my grow journal, my girls are doing great so far. And for the experts, feel free to correct or add anything.
thanks everyone for your help .. i am going tomarrow to my hydro shop to pick up some better soil and some nutes to get me through the whole grow so i need some advice on what to get... plus i am going to switch one of my 26 watt soft white with a cool white... pls help me with some good soil that i can add nutes too if need b..... i hope i get some more input and when i get back from the hydro shop i will post pics for u all to see what i got and of the present status ....
I have had great success with Fox Farms Ocean Forest. I have mixed it with Light Warrior and extra perlite. The stuff is not cheap, for a small grow I think you will be fine using it by itself. I started some bagseed about 7-10 days ahead of my 'designer' seeds and let them go a full 30 days with nothing but tap water, no nutes, no ph adjustment (7.0 400ppm) and you can tell by the pics in my journal they are loving it. Since then I slowly went to 1500-1800 ppm of Fox Farm Grow big (3-4 capfuls per gal) and RO water but like I said, get the soil now, you have 30 days to decide on nutes. Use small pots too and transplant every week or 2 into slightly larger pot. Try to find some deep, but small diameter pots if you can.

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