Kindbuds 2022 Back At it Grow

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Yea I believe so the well house for my house was close enough to them were a long long hose would reach them for flushing them and in-between watering with ferts debating on doing the same thing as that year or using the freshly clear cut property next to mine still have time to decide soo we will see might go back there with a chainsaw and cut a big opening and grow there it's been 5+ years since that grow so everything has grown up making sun spots less sunny
Yea I believe so the well house for my house was close enough to them were a long long hose would reach them for flushing them and in-between watering with ferts debating on doing the same thing as that year or using the freshly clear cut property next to mine still have time to decide soo we will see might go back there with a chainsaw and cut a big opening and grow there it's been 5+ years since that grow so everything has grown up making sun spots less sunny
The only worry I would have if the wrong person finds then and the hose leads them back to your property or house.
I would always curl up the hose and wrap it around the well house it never stayed by the plants and no one should be walking around the woods live down a 2 mile long gravel road everyone is very private neighbors closest to the are are in there 70s they won't be going threw that thick woods lol
So well I peaked on the seeds germination and all 10 look to be popping there little tails out of there cases so gonna get there starter pots ready and probably transplant them in a few hours into little pots for the beginning of there life's πŸŒ±πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
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Well I thought all 10 popped there was one that looked as it had but didn't yet but I went ahead and gently transferred them all into their temporary home I put a mystery mark on the one seed that I wasn't sure if it popped yet I guess time will tell
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Saved 3 out of that bad batch of seeds waiting to get replacements and will start them and post update when I do here's the older sprout and
the 3 fresh new og glue sproutlings
Buds in weed? Isn't that called "Fire flies" ?

My kids tell me I need to stop (trying to) be funny, you can slap me if you want. I'm old school too, I'm sure I've smoked a lot of bugs way back when.
yep , they love the big lamp in the sky , as long as it doesn’t get to hot on those babies , they will do fine
Yea no problem on heat that light is just a led light no heat just put it on them for the time being until sunset to help them out with a little extra light for just a little bit
Cool cool 😎 looking good man
So I got 5 pack of Og. Glue replacement seeds otw and also a 5 pack of Gorilla Glue #4 and then 3 Zkittles seeds that should have been sent with the Og Glue seeds I ordered 2 Fridays ago forgot to ship them so gave them the promo code on the order so when I had germination problems and then the issues with the seeds not growing up and pushing the seeds off of there 1st starter leafs ended up with the 3 small original and sprouts survive and so the lady I emailed nicely sent me 5 more of the Og glue seeds and got her to make 5 of them a different strain incase problems germinating the Og glue wasn't a once off I have the other strain and the 3 zkittles seeds to germinate also so if I'm beyond lucky I'll have 17 plants for this outdoor grow more then enough to make me and some close friends happy campers I'll update when I receive them in the mail goodnight everyone and good morning to those up before I wake up ✌✌✌
Will update with a few pics tomorrow as some replacements are arriving will have 5 more original glue seeds along with 5 gorilla glue and zkittlez seeds being delivered tomorrow and germination started so will post after that.

Also big shout out to BigSir he's being nice enough to be sending me some more strains to get started and are going to be put outside with the others also so much appreciated bud ✌🀘✌

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