Keeping ALL critters away from MJ

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Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2009
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The for sure way to keep ALL critters away is; You go to a big game park or a zoo and get Lion or big cats poo and nothing will miss with your Ladies. For sure. Peace out
In my area where there are no big cats, the coons would walk right up and eat the poo. The critters will not fear this if they are never threatend by big cats. It may work where there are big cat populations, but not where the prey doesn't naturally have this predator in it's natural environment. I'm not saying it won't work, I just highly doubt it....don't the zookeepers look at you funny when you go in and ask for tiger poop?

poop wont keep the bugs off either, but I think you are only talking about mammals...not ALL critters. Peace
There was an item called Cougar Scent, that I used many years ago in a garden what was in the woods. Nothing bothered my garden, except aphids, but they always resided in the cabage I grew, so they were cool there. I bought that stuff at Ace Hardware about twenty years ago. Might work for MJ in the wild too.
It's the diet of blood/meat in big cats. Deer,raccoons,rabbits, what ever smell that raw meat diet of the big cat don't want to be the next menu. It do not matter if there has never prey cat in the area. It's the sent of the meat/blood in the poo that detours them from your precious ladies. If you find something that works better please let us all know right away.
Peace out
NO...I'm all for trying something new...that was just my thoghts on it...I have no proof, my thought was that coons around me don't know about big cats, so they wouldn't recognize it, I didn't think of blood in the

TC I will lokk for it, I tried some repelent granules once that looked like rabbit food, an smelled like dead tried it with sevral other things, so I'm not sure if it worked or not.

I still swear by ground up cayenne and habenero pepper mounded around my wiff of that and they are going to leave the for me.
FUM said:
The for sure way to keep ALL critters away is; You go to a big game park or a zoo and get Lion or big cats poo and nothing will miss with your Ladies. For sure. Peace out
predator crap is a 'good' deterrent in most cases,...BUT it is NOT a 100% garaunteed results. AND the longer it is used, the more accustomed they might become to it, the less effective it will be.
This a crappy thread:rofl: Try marking your territory a wolf!
I use a combination of guard ferrets and Chuck Norris, my grows are never touched.

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