GDG!!! You are so right... I do not know how it happened, but well, you are a friend so I feel I can tell you.
Last night, I was asleep and then I felt this .... 'tickling' sensation... I almost sneezed and then woke up... I swear to God that one of those clones was up there just f'ckn with me as I slept!!
Horrid, but somehow I've soldiered through it... the problem is I am not exactly sure which clone it was and thus am forced to go ahead and still grow them all.
It is a terrible cross I bear, but you seem like a kindred soul, one who has borne those burdens herself... so as tough as life is I guess we'll just have to make do with what we have...
Speaking of crosses to bear...
OhmyGod... I am really worried. The root mass has already filled those 5 gallon buckets and I know I still have 5 weeks
at least until we are done. Do you know last time I had to actually put screws in the top because the rootz were pushing the top off?
Just FYI, the 'expert' part of a Sativa grow like this lies in just keeping yer freaking plants alive long enuf to get the sweet end of flowering.
These plants are turning out GREAT and putting out squads of resin already. God I love this strain.....
I mean these pics are 4 days after those others... that's why there's a baseball bat by that bud in my avatar hee hee...
I have a MH also in there (the loaner). It is def not ideal but I am a beggar not a chooser so that is cool for now. It did make this really cool 3rd shot, since most tend to be hopelessly overexposed...