Kali Mist II -- grow dy 23 and 30

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Hee hee Hick, you are such a good sport! I really like ya bro....

I gotta give the most props to my 'guru' dude... I have been suprised enuf with this guy that I am not so suprised anymore... Seriously, he should write a book.
The Finishing Buckets

This is a key fine point to this hydro grow.

You will probably experience exhuberant root grow and at some point have to protect the intake and pump ports.

The roots just get too big and block the entrances...

So..... I make the 'finishing buckets'. These are just the same buckets but with these filters that stop the blockade.

I swapped the first large female out tonight. Huge diff in circulation!

BTW, tonight was the first time I've seen the main plants roots in over 4 weeks. The plant 'ate' the air stone (pic 2) but no worries, I have another in the finishing bucket hee hee....

finishing bucket.jpg

Roots 5-12.jpg
WOOHOO!!! awesome work!!! so happy it all worked out well for you :D
Biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig doin's last night....

I want to grow those clones now have space enuf for three. (I gave the other three away to some dudes who do soil so we'll have a nice comparison). But no light coverage to speak of so last night I added another.

I borrowed a 400 w/ballast. I did not check it before installing so natch it does not work. :rolleyes:

Anyways, will be trying a new bulb and if that doesn't work a new ballast. We will have light, gol-dingit.

I used plastic bags to catch all drilling dust and also moved the 1000w forward about 3-4 inches.

I also use these 'yo-yos' which are great for making adjustments without using chain (see pic below).

The three clones will be in submersible units b/c take up less space and easier to move around.

Also will be using some pollen from a friend on some selected branches for some seed! Another Fun First (tm).

DY 25 Flower For those keeping count, these budshots were taken 6 days from the last... These were taken with a single fluoro and flash so the whites get a lot more emphasis (lazy today haha). Still... things seem to be clicking right along and it is resin-ating really early.

2nd light.jpg


5-17 flower.jpg

5-17 flower2.jpg
Wow Zarnon, That is a superb operation you got going on there. :D
Wow Zarnon, please accept my apology for not paying closer to this thread. Your plants are spectacular and your input is hilarious. This was a great read with my coffee this morning. I had no idea you had such a wry sense of humor. ;) Rock on Grow Boy!

Whats up Zarnon. Your ladies are looking great. If ya don't mind me asking where did you get the yo - yos to hang your lights. They are the ****. I hate messing with this chain all the time. It gets to be a pain in the ass after a while. Anyway great looking grow and setup.
Those buds look awesome Zarnon, can't wait to see em in a couple weeks! Very nice setup as well :)
GDG: Glad to have you semi-aboard! Since 'wry' rhymes with 'high' I'll take the compliment!

I cannot understand how you missed my grow despite my compelling title. I mean, who doesn't want to view a post about Day 23 and 30 of Veg?

TBG: I have the benefit of living in a major hippie-dippie city with three hydro stores, one of which is an on-line vendor. So I just drop in. B/C it's kinda close ta home, please PM me for more info if you can't find 'em.

.......aaaaaaaaaaaaand to the rest. I feel like I have such a select group here. The major 'Brain Trust' of this forum. Y'all have a lot of nice things going on in your own right. There are some really great soil growers here....

Considering the space, this is really turning out to be "The Little Closet That Could" (see pic). So mellow, no indication of the MAD INFERNO going on within.....


Well after that nice 'peace n' love' post... I go in there and my less than one year old A/C appears to be crapping out. Since it's brand new and literally ran only 2 months last year I cannot understand why it is taking a dump.

It is chugging on high after artic blasting my plants last year. What a POS!!!


I have an Elicent vent fan as a back up...I am not going to put any dinero in fixing this thing. I am going to get a higher quality unit and PRONTO.

I am going to swear; Gol-Dingit!!
ok, ok Zarnon...I'm sorry! But hey! Better late than never ;) the story of my life! I love the obscure closet shot, btw. If they only knew.....
Well, I found out that the A/C had been 'sucking' the mylar off the wall and blocking it's vent so everything seems to be working ok (crosses fingers). We'll see once that second light is in there.

The buds do not seem to notice my trauma and drama and continue as healthy as ever lol...
Got the second light going.... it was not so bad. I am hoping to get these pumps tomorrow so I can build my clone buckets and put into the room.

The clones are doing ok, but I want to get them in a place where there is better air circulation.

both lights.jpg

5-18 clones.jpg
Looks great Zarnon, beautiful jungle of buds ya got there :)

Your AC unit was suckin the mylar off the wall huh? You're just giving Hick more ammunition against mylar! hahahaha jk ;)
I love the whole idea of cloning, its just borderline....well kinda creepy, in the "Dolly the Sheep" way. Now arn't you glad I found your thread Zarnon?
GDG!!! You are so right... I do not know how it happened, but well, you are a friend so I feel I can tell you.

Last night, I was asleep and then I felt this .... 'tickling' sensation... I almost sneezed and then woke up... I swear to God that one of those clones was up there just f'ckn with me as I slept!!

Horrid, but somehow I've soldiered through it... the problem is I am not exactly sure which clone it was and thus am forced to go ahead and still grow them all.

It is a terrible cross I bear, but you seem like a kindred soul, one who has borne those burdens herself... so as tough as life is I guess we'll just have to make do with what we have...

Speaking of crosses to bear...


OhmyGod... I am really worried. The root mass has already filled those 5 gallon buckets and I know I still have 5 weeks at least until we are done. Do you know last time I had to actually put screws in the top because the rootz were pushing the top off?

Just FYI, the 'expert' part of a Sativa grow like this lies in just keeping yer freaking plants alive long enuf to get the sweet end of flowering.

These plants are turning out GREAT and putting out squads of resin already. God I love this strain.....

I mean these pics are 4 days after those others... that's why there's a baseball bat by that bud in my avatar hee hee...

I have a MH also in there (the loaner). It is def not ideal but I am a beggar not a chooser so that is cool for now. It did make this really cool 3rd shot, since most tend to be hopelessly overexposed...

5-21-06 NUGZ.jpg

5-21-06 NUGZb.jpg

5-21-06 NUGZc.jpg
Hey Zarnon those are some great lookin plants. Very nice 'developing' nugs as you say :D
Ladies are looking great Zarnon. Nothing beats a jungle full of ladies. ;)

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