Kali Mist II -- grow dy 23 and 30

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Thats a bodacious bud you got there. :D
One adjustment. B/c the trichs have not really changed and the plant leaves have not really died off, I prolly gave the PK about a week early. Ahh well. I will be keeping the nutes about 500 through the next week, n' the next until she starts slowing down!
Ok, sorreeee for lack o' updates....

But I had a LOT of sheeit going on.

The grow ended up fine. I harvested and am going through that process...

I have not had a chance to try anything but little incidental knock offs... but I am psyched....

I got lazy and hung most of the larger vanity colas... the rest went on trays...

I think the yield is going to be down for this; the main diff is the addition of the stuff like B'Cuzz (not a factor) and couldn't run the C02 b/c the A/C had to be on (what I think is the main reason). I wanted those buds to fill out more... oh well... I think it will be very tasty anyways....

We'll also be collecting seeds for this fall. The cross will be Kali Mist x KRS x Rosetta Stone for anyone interested.




Whats up Zarnon. Looks like you had yourself a nice harvest. Now it's time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. ;) Great job on the grow man. Be sure to give us a smoke report when dried and cured.
Zarnon, that is some good looking weed man! Cure it up and have a blast!
OK dudes!!!

Hello, I did not drop off the face of the earth, but I did have a major computer crash. In fact I haven't fixed it yet b.c I do not want some snooper on my HD, ya know?

But it was one of those days when the **** froze up, then about the third time I tried to restart the computer farted out a burning smell and that was it.

Soooooooooooooo.... I have a replacement but it's hard to edit/type on a laptop. Once I had something meaningful to post (and time) I thought I'd update ye a bit.

Well, the current KM from my main plants .... awesome!! I call it 'meth weed' because it is a pure Sativa and that stuff gets you going! It is the only weed I've ever gotten paranoid on so there is a downside, but it is really powerful stuff, I don't care what your tolerance is.

So total was 12 mason jars and three half gallon jars full of Bud. Those half gallons are really nice to hold the larger colas (I'll post a pic of those next post).

But anyways, the photos today are on the clones. I had three clones. One really weirded out and flowered waaay early (harvested about 5 days ago). It was about a foot tall, extreemly crusted and it grew maybe a z of herb. Really weird (pic one and two).

Now, my buddy had given me feedback on my grow. One thing he noticed in checking the plant is he thought that there was ok N but not enuf P/K. It really got confirmed when my main plant kinda 'petered out' at the end (it was still great but I really felt like the yield coulda been better).

So we adjusted the mix for the clones. The extra p/k really lengthened the grow and has added great yield. Here we are about a week before harvest. Nice eh?

The two clones remaining are supported all around by the punji stix, I wish I coulda gotten the light to the back b/c that one is growing even more massive nugs. :D

Anyways, overall really really pleased. I have only cured out the main plant about 3 weeks but it is getting a great hashy scent just like the KM I did last time.

close clone small.jpg

close clone1.jpg

7-27 clone tall out.jpg

I thought we lost ya dude. :D Glad to here ya had a great harvest. Buds look really tasty. :p What do ya have in store for us next time around? Anyway great job on the grow.
Yeah dude, I've had a lot going on in this business (non dope related) I'm trying to run. Also that computer crash really f'ked me up.

Anyways, not sure how I'll document my next grow but won't be until Nov. at least (maybe Dec). I'm pretty sure I am going to try that seed we did and see what types of pheno's turn up.

I have also wanted to try a true purple strain (not one that is temp dep) and that may be next year.

BTW, although I think the main plant coulda done better, it wasn't that bad. Here's a pic of those large half gl jars with some of the buds (coffee cup for reference hee hee). The quality is really good. That KM is one of my favorite smokes.

coffee cup.jpg

still life with bud.jpg
Hey Zarnon, those are some beautiful buds you got there man, great growin! :D
Zarnon, those pics should be on the front cover a a mag man.

Today, in an unknown location, a man/women named Zarnon had coffee with his buds.

CBDN (Cyberspace Bud Network)
"Zarnon" proves genetics can screw you up! News, at 11:00

Haahhahahah, that was fun!

You should feel this good.

I hope you do.
Yeah dudes, thanks for the compliments. I really felt good about this and felt with my buddy I learned a lot about tweaking an already good grow. Geez....think about it... I started this grow in March dudes!

We harvest the clones very soon then I'm gonna pack it in for awhile. I'm not greedy and I grow for stash only. With trades n' **** I can get some nice varietals! :D

TBG -- Yeah, I was checking out those pics on the main page of your toasty buds. Coming from you quite the compliment. I think I'll be chilling for awhile, but come late fall/early winter I'll be able to break out my Co2 and really have some fun!

Stoney -- I really liked that shot of the coffee. I added a filter to it, then tweaked that and think it made kind of a 'graphic' out of the photo. Really cool! I love bud and bud pictures, esp. ones with creativity or a sense of humor.

I'm lookin' at that larger clone and I think I'm gonna eke out 'Bud Big As Baseball Bat II' :D

Insaaaaaaaaaaaaaaane! - Sorry I've missed you. Lots of external crap unrelated to growing. But man, wish I could share a bud or three with you. I haven't seen what you're doing since the Bn'B thread.
The End....

Welp... this is the last of this grow. We cut down the two clones and this is the result. The room has been broken down and is back looking like a lowly closet again.

Aside from the pretty pichurs I like to think I learned and taught something with this grow. For teaching, the highlights were;

Cloning Technique: That water column ('cut-flower') technique was the ****. 100% effective and huge root growth. All within 10 days! Next time I might even take the clones during veg. LOL...

Easy Flushing/watering Techniques: I never understood lugging buckets and slopping water around. This is a way that works so well for those with bad backs and carpeted areas.

Adding in that second light for the clones.. that was wild and although crowded ended up working well. Just goes to show with venting and an A/C you can have a lot going on.

Fert tweaking: So often I think people are in the dark.. myself included. This grow needed a little tweak in the p/k and for me it was a real nice subtle point.

Seed crossing: This is pretty uncomplicated but fun to try for the first time.

Ok amigos... we're done now until probably Winter, maybe even Spring. I hope ya like the fun! :D

Yer undercover brother.


8-6-06 one string.jpg

8-6-06 two string.jpg

8-6-06 End.jpg
Bravo Bravo, Excellent journal. Nice lookin harvest you have there. Thanks for the journal and I cant wait to see the next grow. See ya in winter or spring.
Zarnon said:
Cloning Technique: That water column technique was the ****. 100% effective and huge root growth. All within 10 days!

I missed the thread with the description of this technique Zarnon. Could you link me to it?

You've had an awesome grow man. It really feels like a journey doesn't it? You did one hell of a good job and should be proud of yourself.

Good luck man. I hope your cure goes well also.
Congrats on the grow and harvest Zarnon. Can't wait for the next one man. ;)
Clone Tech: pg 1-3

Flushing: pg 4

Second light added to grow(w/yoyos) : pg 3

nice and tite, like a few fresh nugz
can i get some advice on what kind of wick to use with a wick hdro set-up
also I need a safe place t get the best and not too pricey seeds

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