Island Of Misfits

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Who am I kidding? I probably won't get any sleep tonight. I'm sitting here in my favorite smoking chair with the TV off. I just ate one of those Bad Boy Xotix 100 mg cherry gummies and smoked another bowl of White Truffle buds. Gonna be buzzin' good in about 30 minutes
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Thunderstorms are rumbling again, and supposed to rain off and on all day tomorrow, making it a wet 4th of July and dampening many celebrations. However, many of our town's folk were shooting off their fireworks all day and night, which I watched some of. Had a helluva good show across the street, some very loud stuff with bright colorful flashes in the sky
Just put a nice brisket on the smoker.

Just remember
I did some "Learn & Earn" lessons on my cryptocurrency app, and ended up with about $34 in free crypto (which I converted it to SOL). It had gone up quite a bit until recently. So I am waiting for it to bottom out again and I will pick up a jag to add to the balance. It is at $134 and going to watch it closely for the next 30 minutes. If I see a good opportunity, I will grab some
I did some "Learn & Earn" lessons on my cryptocurrency app, and ended up with about $34 in free crypto (which I converted it to SOL). It had gone up quite a bit until recently. So I am waiting for it to bottom out again and I will pick up a jag to add to the balance. It is at $134 and going to watch it closely for the next 30 minutes. If I see a good opportunity, I will grab some
So, it dropped to $133.52, and I grabbed a twenty dollar jag. It already went back up to $135 and holding. It should swoop up soon, and watch for a good time to cash out.
Good morning brothers and sisters!

Gorgeous here again, starting at 55F and predicted to reach 89F.

Happy Forth of July and God curse the eyes of the !@#$%^&*()_retards that continue to set fireworks off between about 10:00 PM and 0100AM. I can sleep through it, but alas not my poor pup, so I have been up comforting her for the last three days and losing my sense of humor.

Starting my corn squeezing's run today, but otherwise an empty calendar for joy and amazement, as well as moral turpitude, or wanton debauchery. Calling heads....................
Just earned $7 free crypto, which I converted to cash for the seed fund. When my cryptocurrency gets high enough, I will cash out and have enough to purchase two packets of feminized seeds from Brothers Grimms Seeds. I did some window shopping on their website and they have feminized seeds for $25 / 9 seeds. I have that Princess Haze x Cap Junky seedling, which is a Brothers Grimms
Good morning brothers and sisters!View attachment 358658View attachment 358659

Gorgeous here again, starting at 55F and predicted to reach 89F.

Happy Forth of July and God curse the eyes of the !@#$%^&*()_retards that continue to set fireworks off between about 10:00 PM and 0100AM. I can sleep through it, but alas not my poor pup, so I have been up comforting her for the last three days and losing my sense of humor.

Starting my corn squeezing's run today, but otherwise an empty calendar for joy and amazement, as well as moral turpitude, or wanton debauchery. Calling heads....................
Yes, the animals suffer, and pet owner must comfort and provide care for trauma. I like to watch a few, but when they keep shooting past midnight, that's crap. Most of ours were done by 11. But these folks with explosives blasted stuff all day for days, too - any time it wasn't raining ~ which it is supposed to rain alot today. Hoping to sleep while it storms
My Sister passed this morning around 5am from Lung cancer. Lost my Mom in 2016. Lost my Dad when I was 11. I'm the only one left.😢

I can't smoke a heavy Sativa but I can smoke most all Hybrids. A good Indica shouldn't mess with your AFib but everyone is different.
Let me know when you find out your TSH level. You might be surprised how many things your Thyroid controls.
So sorry to hear Hopper! Thats terrible. You have my condolences!
Well 2 major gut punches yesterday...

1st, we had a HVAC company come out to look at our central air unit yesterday as it quit working on Saturday last week, the hottest day of the whole week. Yeah the compressor is fried...The unit is 10 years old and the guy said fixing it is almost as expensive as buying a brand new unit, so unfortuantly we wrote a fvcking huge check yesterdaay that just depleted all the money we had been saving, just can't believe it...Welcome to home ownership I guess. I was just sick after that.

2nd, just before I was going to hit the hay last night, my Mom called me. My mom calling me at 10:30 at night never spells anything good. The Uncle I am closest to had a stroke and is in ICU in critical condition, the doctors told my parents he doesn't have long..they are discussing Hospice care if he even makes it out of ICU. I literally just saw him two weekends ago at a family dinner, little did I know it would likey be the last time I ever talked to him. Jesus, I'm just sad this morning. We wanted to go see him but she said visiting is limited to immediate family and my Dad because he is the executor of my uncle's estate. God dang, this just sucks!

Sorry for the deppressive post, just seems nothing good has happened in the last 24 hours.

Happy 4th I guess. I don;t know about you folks, but I sure don't feel very "Independent" on Independece Day..
Stuck with High inflation and a tyrannical government, run by a shadow cabal..Independence day my!
Well 2 major gut punches yesterday...

1st, we had a HVAC company come out to look at our central air unit yesterday as it quit working on Saturday last week, the hottest day of the whole week. Yeah the compressor is fried...The unit is 10 years old and the guy said fixing it is almost as expensive as buying a brand new unit, so unfortuantly we wrote a fvcking huge check yesterdaay that just depleted all the money we had been saving, just can't believe it...Welcome to home ownership I guess. I was just sick after that.

2nd, just before I was going to hit the hay last night, my Mom called me. My mom calling me at 10:30 at night never spells anything good. The Uncle I am closest to had a stroke and is in ICU in critical condition, the doctors told my parents he doesn't have long..they are discussing Hospice care if he even makes it out of ICU. I literally just saw him two weekends ago at a family dinner, little did I know it would likey be the last time I ever talked to him. Jesus, I'm just sad this morning. We wanted to go see him but she said visiting is limited to immediate family and my Dad because he is the executor of my uncle's estate. God dang, this just sucks!

Sorry for the deppressive post, just seems nothing good has happened in the last 24 hours.

Happy 4th I guess. I don;t know about you folks, but I sure don't feel very "Independent" on Independece Day..
Stuck with High inflation and a tyrannical government, run by a shadow cabal..Independence day my!
Commiseration on un-planned home expenses brother and empathy for both you and your uncle!
Laughed at this typo, but it's not far from the Truth.😁 I live in the Dallas area.🤪
View attachment 358666
Yep it feels that hot sometimes and I am only Texas Adjacent but do all my shopping in Tx as it is closer than Las Cruces which us 45 minutes one way with no traffic.

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