Island Of Misfits

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YD, ya just made me feel really old. I was married in '75, and my one and only child was born in '90.

I woke up 15 minutes ago. Old Hen has been beaten for letting me sleep that long. Her excuse? "You never sleep. You needed it."

Sorry to hear the pain mitigation didn't work again, GW. Guess the only cure for us is a grave blanket. Oh well, it could always be worse. We're never alone when pain is our constant companion, but sometimes I wish he'd take a vacation without me!
If it wasn't for the prestige, I would rather forgo the pain and suffering in my dotage too and was hoping for a solution short of the grave!

As you note, it is what it is so I continue to look for ways to live life with gusto despite it!
Evening folks. I think I shook my funky mood. First time I’ve ever really been down feeling. Even with three years of prison. I was singing the blues for a little while and I realized that your day is what you make it. Want to have a bad day? You’ll dang sure have one.

Flew my planes today. Nosed my foam Cub over on a touch and go. Broke the rudder, and broke the prop. Would rather crash the foamie vs one I’ve spent a lot of time building. A little glue and the rudder will be fine. I’m sure I have a prop that will work. Funny, that bird taught me to fly and it has its share of glue. Nose, tail, wing tips. Fist prop I’ve broke on it in over three years 😂. Here’s the fuselage sides for the Senorita I’m building. Yard stick for scale.


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Evening folks. I think I shook my funky mood. First time I’ve ever really been down feeling. Even with three years of prison. I was singing the blues for a little while and I realized that your day is what you make it. Want to have a bad day? You’ll dang sure have one.

Flew my planes today. Nosed my foam Cub over on a touch and go. Broke the rudder, and broke the prop. Would rather crash the foamie vs one I’ve spent a lot of time building. A little glue and the rudder will be fine. I’m sure I have a prop that will work. Funny, that bird taught me to fly and it has its share of glue. Nose, tail, wing tips. Fist prop I’ve broke on it in over three years 😂. Here’s the fuselage sides for the Senorita I’m building. Yard stick for scale.
My first model plane used control lines and the first time I flew it, I did one tight vertical loop about six feet in diameter and crashed it prop first into the ground.
Good Moonday morning brothers and sisters!
moon goddess.jpg

Cloudy here, with possibility of a shower, starting at 60F and predicted to reach 80F.

!@#$%^&*()_+ A-holes shooting off fireworks around midnight for the second day in a row, and Miss Layla needs comforting, costing me my own sleep. Another sleepless night and I may go kill a few of them!

The contractor is due this morning to repair the second kitchen drain leak and one tomorrow to replace the front walkway.

Monday Lisa.jpg
Morning gang. Skipping fireworks this year. Just too dang dry. Every storm that comes our way splits or dissipates right before it gets to us.
This week I’ll be filling my 55 gal drum and keeping a sprayer handy. 2 gallon hand sprayer goes a long way controlling a grass fire. Our other drum has an electric sprayer on it. Mounts on the rear of a tractor. Never know when a little preventative planning could prevent a major issue.
My first model plane used control lines and the first time I flew it, I did one tight vertical loop about six feet in diameter and crashed it prop first into the ground.
I had a cox spitfire on string was a pain to start and fly
chopped many a finger spinning it
Good morning, Misfits. 59 and sunny here. Still waiting on parts to fix the plethora of things that are broke around here.

I don't waste money on fireworks anymore. I've got folks down the road that keep me entertained. The golf course a half mile away also usually puts on a pretty good show for the 4th, or I can head down to the park and watch the fire department's display if'n I feel like feeding the 'skeeters.
I had a cox spitfire on string was a pain to start and fly
chopped many a finger spinning it
I whacked a finger pretty good reaching through the prop to adjust the mixture screw once too.
Good morning, Misfits. 59 and sunny here. Still waiting on parts to fix the plethora of things that are broke around here.

I don't waste money on fireworks anymore. I've got folks down the road that keep me entertained. The golf course a half mile away also usually puts on a pretty good show for the 4th, or I can head down to the park and watch the fire department's display if'n I feel like feeding the 'skeeters.
Same here. We can watch thousands of dollars' worth of pyrotechnics displayed by professionals a couple of different places but in the last few years we've chosen to stay home with our pups and comfort them.

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