Island Of Misfits

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55F @ 81% RH, clear with 5 mph wind, and predicted to reach 79F with good air quality.

Shopped for Depends, bedsheets, food, and Mylanta for my sick friend, and replaced some burned out light bulbs in his kitchen for him. They are not sure where the pain and nausea is coming from, as a CT scan and blood work revealed no answers. He is concerned that it might be cannabisemesis, as he is a heaver consumer, and is laying off to see if that helps. The doctor thinks it may have been the combination of his heavy cannabis use and the anesthetics used for his surgery, and prescribed Mylanta to see it it goes away.

Depressing to see a friend in pain and tears, when there is nothing you can do to relieve their distress.................................

I made one test run on the vacuum still before adding the column, but got no further with running errands from my friend.

Lu lu lu lu lu lu lu, I finally got a dental appointment to address retaining my upper plate with two missing implant pins so it is easier for me to eat. I tried to set up the appointment as soon as my stitches were removed, but tomorrow is the soonest they had an opening.
Ummmmm, did someone clear the room with a fart???

61F @ 78% RH, cloudy and predicted to reach 69F, with good air quality.

Besides donating $200K taxpayers money to put Texas in their place, Portland is again a leader with our deeply insightful eureka on how to address homelessness. We are now buying/building dwellings for them. One multi family purchased and two more in the works. Why has no one else thought of that simple solution???

Oregon is also redistricting and appears to be juggling all the red counties into one district, so don't look for any changes in direction soon.

I have an early dental appointment this morning to see what can be done to my upper implant plate so that I can return to my normal diet. I may have to cap the remaining two implants and go back to my standard upper plate.

Still waiting for an available operating room to fix my worn out Zimmer knee pad, my annual physical is tomorrow, and I sadly note I am due for another colonoscopy this year. With the oral surgery, a really shit year for medical. On the up side, hee, hee, hee, I wonder if I will get the same drop dead gorgeous gastroenterologist that I did last time?
Jeeebus. I have been shot, stabbed, blown up, run over, poisoned, and insulted. And born before alla yiz. (I have always felt responsible for WWII --> Me. Born 1940. War.

But I am gonna die a whole lot healthier than youse guys! I'm gonna live to 185 years of age, or die in the attempt.

If I feel myself going, I'm gonna swallow 30 Viagra. They'll have to drill a well hole in the bottom of my grave and bury me face-down...

...Still channeling Rosty...

grave marker.jpg
@GW, you are a walking MASH unit. I just had my annual physical yesterday. Looks like I will be around another year.

Got into a bit of a heated discussion regarding Covid. He asked so I gave him my opinion. The discussion got a bit heated when I said Fauci was lying to us and helped fund the lab in Wuhan. I also said if this virus is so bad why is the gov't allowing so many non vaxed people in the country from the southern border and Afghanistan. No answer. I hit him with why do vaxed people need masks, the shots will never end and if you have had this you are naturally protected. He was visually upset with me.....I think I need another Doctor.
@GW, you are a walking MASH unit. I just had my annual physical yesterday. Looks like I will be around another year.

Got into a bit of a heated discussion regarding Covid. He asked so I gave him my opinion. The discussion got a bit heated when I said Fauci was lying to us and helped fund the lab in Wuhan. I also said if this virus is so bad why is the gov't allowing so many non vaxed people in the country from the southern border and Afghanistan. No answer. I hit him with why do vaxed people need masks, the shots will never end and if you have had this you are naturally protected. He was visually upset with me.....I think I need another Doctor.
I have noticed the same "face" on doctors when I inquire. They give a "standard" answer, but you can see the expression on their face. I'm sure they were given a script to follow if asked.

@GW, you are a walking MASH unit.

More parts do seem to wear out the older I get. I went to the dentist yesterday and they want another $24K to replace two implants and make a new upper plate. The first go around was $22K, causing me to question whether I should just stick with my standard upper plate.

I was hoping the replacement knee would last as long as I do, but noooooooo, not to be. On the other hand, if I hadn't worn out the first replacement Zimmer UHMW knee pad walking, I would probably have died of a cardiac from lack of exercise by now anyway and think of all the fun I would have missed with the enthusiastic glad faced puppies....................

57F @ 91% RH, cloudy, and predicted to reach 72F, with good air quality.

Portland police responded to seven shooting incidents in fifteen hours.

Local judge rules Portland Police violated the law when they filmed protesters and later broadcast the pictures. Protesters/rioters civil rights matter!! What were the police thinking???

My annual is scheduled this morning and I'm taking another run at getting my dental issues resolved this afternoon so I have more choice in diet. My first annual with a female doctor, but I notice she has small fingers and her nails are trimmed.
I got ya beat, I had to have a Female Proctologist and her female nurse spread my cheeks so she could digitally examine my anus due to a suspicious lump my GP found while he was doing the prostrate sweep.
Man was that interesting, and they both were cute and much younger than me.
Well excuse me if I stand at attention comes to mind.
The twirling inside made me all excited LOL
No more fingers for me , not since the last one which was done by a female nurse practitioner who spent 10 years as a nurse at a prison before she went to work at the VA....

it was just her and me in the exam room which I found strange and a little exciting.....we had a great time

butt from now on it is the poop on a stick test

My PSA is so low that my doc doesn't do the finger up the dirt road on me. Also didn't check me for a hernia this year. I am fine with that....but probably should be done.

@Big, does the stick test also serve as a substitute for a colonoscopy?



less evasive and zero chance of a perforated colon...ouch!

and my PSA has always been under 1.0 for 20+ years
No more fingers for me , not since the last one which was done by a female nurse practitioner who spent 10 years as a nurse at a prison before she went to work at the VA....

it was just her and me in the exam room which I found strange and a little exciting.....we had a great time

butt from now on it is the **** on a stick test

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My ex wife was a RN. When it came time for a physical, she found me a doc. Well, that one wasn't available, but her sister is also a Dr. Ok, fine. Well, she walks in, and is an absolute knock out. This was going to include the finger city bit, but first she asked "Where did you hear of me from"? Best answer ever, " My wife works at this hospital and she picked you."

Better service than most strip clubs, and only cost a 15 dollar co-pay!

My ex wife was a RN. When it came time for a physical, she found me a doc. Well, that one wasn't available, but her sister is also a Dr. Ok, fine. Well, she walks in, and is an absolute knock out. This was going to include the finger city bit, but first she asked "Where did you hear of me from"? Best answer ever, " My wife works at this hospital and she picked you."

Better service than most strip clubs, and only cost a 15 dollar co-pay!


how come you didn’t know your ex’s sister was a knockout? never met her before?....
how come you didn’t know your ex’s sister was a knockout? never met her before?....
No no, the doc she found me was full up, but her sister (the docs sister) is also a doctor.

My ex's sister was also a knockout, but even more insane than the one I married!
(And not a doctor)

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