Island Of Misfits

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Cop on horse says to little girl on bike, “Did Santa get you that?” “Yes,” replies the little girl. “Well tell him to put a reflector light on it next year!” and fines her $5.
The little girl looks up at the cop and says, “Nice horse you’ve got there, did Santa bring you that?” The cop chuckles and that?” The cop chuckles and replies, “He sure did!” “Well,” says the little girl, “Next year tell Santa that the d.ick goes under the horse, not on top of it!”
Oh funny.... you know I did get bit by one last year, this year it was a Black Widow. Sad part is while it was biting me I was flicking it's nest of eggs off my house. Removed a shutter and it had 3 egg sacks and a nest for Wasps.... yeah, it's still a win.View attachment 359369

See how swollen..... my thumb man, my thumb.... hahaha. Figure this would get you to look at it..
Morning gang. Ran out of covering for the model. So I ordered one more roll. Still going to run out so I bought the last two rolls I could find online in the United States. Will be next weekend before I can finish covering. Not much more I can do to this model in the mean time.
I’ll have around $90 in covering alone on this model. Love this economy boys I tell ya what.
Kit was $105, snagged it before they raised their prices. Servos, motor, radio ect are all used from previous builds. So the model still won’t be breaking the bank too bad.
Yo dude.... how you doing? not talked to you in sometime. Just wanted to say hello..
Yo dude.... how you doing? not talked to you in sometime. Just wanted to say hello..
Yo dude.... how you doing? not talked to you in sometime. Just wanted to say hello..
Doing alright. So so so busy with a year old and three year old kid. Between kids work and raising some farm animals I don’t have a second to blink twice.
Hot enough for you down your way? I’ve about had my fill of summer already. And I’m normally a fan of summer time.
Tomorrow she flies. I hope. STILL some work left. I’m almost sick of working on it. My A.D.D. is going insane right now. Models and growing weed have both taught me a fair amount of patience.
It will be time, when it’s time.
It’s done when it’s done.

Getting fluffed up and mad only makes it worse. Took me about 27 years to figure that out 😂

I find myself driving slower. Way I see it, life goes by so fast. I may as well slow down and enjoy more of it.
Good morning, insomniac Misfits! I finally got some real sleep last night, after a contentious day trying to figure out logistics for getting a mattress from my brother's old house that is on my sister's property.

She sent me a nasty text about how much blah blah blah, yada yada nada, etc. that I couldn't get the mattress by yesterday. I hadn't slept and wasn't safe to drive, and was trying to get some help from my neighbor. But she couldn't wait, and told me that she was going to burn the mattress. The way I see it, if she could drag it to the burn pile by herself, she could have put it in his truck bed so he could drive it over here. What a b.itch!

I told her that's fine, to just burn it then. I had many more choice words to say, but I promised the Mrs. that I would change my text, and basically told her to do whatever she wanted with it, and thanks again. I am so done with her
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Good morning brothers and sisters! Let the good times roll!

Starting out cloudy here at 62F and predicted to reach 83F with clear skies. The rest of the week stays in the high 70's, low 80's.

!@#$%^&*() my hair stylists couldn't get childcare yesterday, so I was unable to get my mop shorn. She is down to one day a week, so I will try again next Saturday before breaking in a new one.
Something going on with your computer.
Have you restarted your computer?
Also you could try clearing the Cache, cookies and Internet history.
Yeah, I e tried on phone and laptop. Restart n all.

I can post text but I can not post a pic. It crashes every time.

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