Island Of Misfits

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And Ye Shall be rewarded.
How are the plants coming along?
Very well. Its confusing here. Ive read everything from the West. But this is very different. Its like Urban Warfare. House To House. Everything grows different here. Out of the 50 seeds I pooped in the second, run of autos, 50% are up in peat in two days. Its crazy here. Nothing I read about western growing fits. Some of it does and its just enough info to react. I dont ask questions here yet. Because its foreign. But Stand By. soon I will be Buggin the Shite of yall.
Get a Plunger
I found that paint stripping gel cleans bongs well.
What is that? I think I understand. But please explain so I can answer right so that you know these people better. Buddhism is not a Religion. No one worships Budda. The west is Ethnocentrically misinformed. I can explain.
Only Budha nature and Budha Way. "If you meet a Budha in the street, kill him!"
My sister is Buddhist, so is Hippie I believe
Cool. If its true Buddhism. Here in the North they practice the Wisdom of "The Standing Budda" this is rare. Reclining. Sitting. Standing is new to me. Maybe thats why when Lao attacked they were rolled up. Standing Budda is strength. My Wife is Awesome. She is from the teaching of "The Standing Budda. I have been to "Temple" with her and Family. We went to Temple in November. To "Make Merit for The Dead" Blew my Mind. I watched my SIL, pray before a monk, who was serious, I to "Wake Up" Two Children she lost. I know her. I Lover Her Dearly. The Greif was Overwhelming and so was the Hope. I cant explain it to people, who dont understand Hebrew Translated Bible. Hebrew Bible is Bible in its Original Language. Scholar Stuff. Its very deep and personal. Like God Himself.
My sister is Buddhist, so is Hippie I believe
Nudist. I do believe in karma, so that's about as far into buddhism I go.

A soul lock or spirit lock is worn by the Hmong and Karen tribes. Once a child is born and shows he/she's going to live, they put one around their necks to keep evil from entering them. They wear 'em from the cradle to the grave.

I found that paint stripping gel cleans bongs well.

Only Budha nature and Budha Way. "If you meet a Budha in the street, kill him!"
Yes. Budda is Dead and doesnt want to come back. He never said that he could lead anyone to Heaven. In a Nutshell, he said, Im evil in my desire, nothing wrong with that. Just Born that way, but there must be something ,more. My wife prays to "The Who Ever You Are". This "Who Ever You Are" answers Prayers and takes care of everyone who speaks to Him. They just dont know His Name. Knowing Gods Name is a Privilege of Anno Domina Western People. In your world its 2024 AD. Here it is 2567 BCE. Understand now? These people were never exposed to Western European Christianity till the 20th Century. LMFAO
Nudist. I do believe in karma, so that's about as far into buddhism I go.

A soul lock or spirit lock is worn by the Hmong and Karen tribes. Once a child is born and shows he/she's going to live, they put one around their necks to keep evil from entering them. They wear 'em from the cradle to the grave.

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Umm. I live with the Lana People, who are also Hmong, in Northern Thailand. There is no such thing here. People propagate a lot of BS. Let her believe what ever.
OK I can dispel a lot of disinformation about Buddhism Right now. All of Buddas Teachings, can be found in The Bible, without deviation. Most of it is in the 4 Gospels and Proverbs. Im serious. I studied Scripture in Old Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic. Budda Teaches the same things without a sacrifice for Sin, Jesus Christ. They dont even know about Abrahams Promise. But what I have found here, is that God Still takes These people want relationship with Him, but dont know who He is. Creation Reveals The Creator. Simple
I had an experience in the way Standing Budda, Lanna, Hmong, Lao, people experience Death and Eternity. My Wife shared it with me. Blew my White Mind. I watched her pour Coconut Water over her Dead Husbands Mouth, in Tears, before cremating his remains, in the Temple. When the smoke came out the top. She said "Hello" "Hello". "Love You". "Love You". They lead the coffin on a truck with strings playing music. Because they think the dead are confused and dont know where to go. So they wake them up and the smoke of there burning goes to Heaven. I cant disagree with that, now that I understand both Thai People and God.
One thing Jesus said, that changed the way I think. Was when He was talking to Jewish Priests, He Said, "You Read The Scriptures and dedicate You Life To That Knowlege". "That Thinking In That Knowlege Of What Has Been Written, You Think You Have Salvation". But, "The Scriptures Only Speak Of Me, and I Am Here". I repented.
After all that, I guess I should say this or disappear. Bible Knowlege doesn't console anyone. God Loves the Souls He created. Jesus suffers with us all. Its His Job. If you are suffering, He is already suffering with you. Just call out His Name. He will be right there. Everybody needs a Freind. Didnt hear that in Church. God doesnt Hate you.

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