As Walt used to say, TINS. I had a gal that worked for the same company I did at the time, and her and her "wife" wanted her to have a baby. They wanted done the "natural" way, too. Just for shits & grins, I did a little research. She claimed she'd sign papers to free me of any future child support. In this state, you can't sign away your baby's rights. I refused, but more on moral grounds. I didn't want some kid looking me up in 18 years and shooting me for deserting him/her/undecided.
I did work with a young carpenter that got messed up in a similar situation. His best friend and wife were close to him and his wife. They got together every weekend for cards, concerts, etc. His bestie's wife wanted to have a child, but his friend couldn't father the child due to infertility. They begged him to be the donor. His wife agreed to the whole thing.
He did the deed. It caused a split between him and his friend, his friend and his wife, and his wife and him. Everybody got divorced. Six months after the baby was born, he gets hit with a child support case.
The judge, after reviewing all the facts, flat out told him that he was on the hook. "If you'd gone through a clinic or even used a dixie cup and a turkey baster, you'd been fine, but you did the deed, and now you'll pay."
So now the poor bastard is down a wife, a best friend, and half his wages for the next 18 years. Spooky. No good deed goes unpunished.