Island Of Misfits

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I am a fan of the hot as well. I don't get the second burn effect either. I have before, but it is a rarity.

Last time I really got the 2nd burn effect, it was preceded by extremely vivid and colorful capsaicin hallucinations as I slept the night before.

Ever since then, I pace myself - but I eat heat on pretty much everything, including breakfast. Ya' just can't beat eggs with Louisiana Hot Sauce slathered all over 'em. I like top finely chop up jalapeno and put it in my cream cheese for morning bagels.
another lover of heat here

try Mrs Renfros ghost or habanero salsa…her chow chow is also excellent!

sick as all get out yesterday , couldn’t keep anything down , 3 alarm headache , stayed in bed most of the day…didn’t even get up to feed cats and chickens…they had to fast and pray

better this morning , still got a residual boomer but at last I can hold down some oatmeal , I will try some steak and eggs later , Swede made a killer t-bone last night and half of it is leftover , so yeah m steak and eggs with some salsa
Did they ever say anything about Graves Disease to you? My good friend had similar symptoms as you and they found it was his thyroid also, they even went as far as to kill it with radiation. His thyroid never died but he still takes meds to help it function correctly.
They also said he was suffering from graves which was helped once he started the meds . He too had AFIB and attacks like yours.
They even went in to perform heart Ablation is a procedure to treat atrial fibrillation. It uses small burns or freezes to cause some scarring on the inside of the heart to help break up the electrical signals that cause irregular heartbeats. This can help the heart maintain a normal heart rhythm.
I just have to ask you Brother ,who does your hair ? Like the wolves of London song ( and his hair was perfect"
thought I was alone
Look they gave party girl her own Like button

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