Stopped drinking regular coffee because of AFIB. I got AFIB under control with thyroid medication and have had no problems but I'm still a little weary of drinking caffeine.
AFIB is no fun.
Very few ppl realize how many things their Thyroid controls. My AFIB was horrible. Had to call an ambulance more than once. Ever since I got my TSH levels down around 2.0 I've had no AFIB what so ever. I drink beer every night with no problems but if I drink hard liquor I'm fked.
One problem I am honor bound to comment upon right here.
1. AFIB "gets easier" to trigger each time is is triggered. Don't even think about the horrible misery you suffer when AFIB hits. Alcohol in
any form, regardless of any self-deception one might have regarding the source, is a touch on the trigger. Period. So if you "touch" the now-hair trigger every night... all it takes is one time where the conditions (tired, electrolytes low, just one more beer, etc.) are enough to make the trigger trip.
2. Think about this: Up in the left ventricle of your heart, there is a small pocket in the top of it. We do not know any reason for it, but we
all have it. Dammit. Me too.
When the heart goes into AFIB, the upper left chamber tries to pump about 180-200 times a minute. What happens then is the super-real danger, and not the ghastly feeling.
That little chamber just does not get emptied. It get compacted by the jackhammer going off down below in the main section of that upper left ventricle.
If the AFIB continues long enough (and this is a HUGE VARIABLE) the blood stuck in the top does what blood is supposed to do:
It coagulates.
So the AFIB goes away <-- for any reason (meds, luck, etc.)
Because now that
clotted chunk of blood gets pumped out of that little pocket. Where it stops is a total crap shoot. No matter where it lodges, it will cause major problems.
If it stops in the brain... goodbye.
Have your next beer... and the next -- while having this knowledge.
For all here who have ever had AFIB, here is the Verboten List whether you dislike it, disagree with it, or any other state of mind:
Alcohol (ANY!)
Caffeine (from any of these: chocolate (dammit), coffee, tea, Coke. Moreover, YOUR heart give you no place to hide:
There is caffeine in DeCaf Coffee, DeCaf Tea. It just is a measure of how much... plus some advertising gimmick.
Just keep tapping the trigger, guys -- but now you are bound to do it with the full knowledge of what you are fukking with.
Sauce from Doctors: