How about "Hog's Breath Saloon" with the ugly hawg-head sign
Yes ! I remember I was there and inside the bar they had a cam camera and talking to friends back home and seeing me.
STEVIE TEES BBQ was a great place to graze with the best key lime pie.
We would spend 10 days in the keys fishing going to bars ( Noname bar (schiiest pizza) and ingestion of major smoke due to major weed. When we left I went to Stevie tees for the last time and later he closed.
He was a big boy from Amityville L.I NY married to a little Vietnamese woman.
Got my pic with my buddy and him !
My BIL went down a sometime later with said picture.
It is snowing heavy im sitting on my couch in a vegetative state.
I get a call ,I pick it up and I hear a strange voice " Whats a fat bastage like you doing on a snowy day!"
I reply " Sitting on the couch ,smoking pot ,just ate a sandwich and drinking coffee

It was Stevie and my BIL stopped by.
I told my BIL to have the cheese steak made from Key Deer.
Its delicious.