Island Of Misfits

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I bought bone of these just in case

Night folks
Brothers and Sisters.
Island Of Misfits has now hit 2000 pages.
Yehaaaaaaaaaa 🥰
The Island Of Misfits is a very important thread
It's where we all came back,,got together and took the Passion back from the assholes that were ruining it.
It has a lot of History to most of us that had been banned or run off by the old crew.
Thanks guys and gals.

This was my very 1st post when I created The Misfits thread. Those buttholes had no idea that these misfits were about to kick their ass and send them on their way.😁
I think we should have a prom ☝️
I just bailed off the bush hog when I saw a cloud of yellow jackets pouring out of the ground like a volcano, spewing lava. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a bigger nest or more angry creatures. I came back in on foot with two cans of that wasp spray, and emptied that onto the pyre of Yellow jackets. I knocked a lot of them down, but wasn’t going to stick around to see what was going to happen next…I will go out tonight with scalding, hot soapy, water, and some diesel fuel and give them a bath.
a high octane douche !
Long and short of it is,,the old crew and Mods hated DT and started their bullshit on the open forum with politics and calling him Orange Man and his Wife a w.hore.
I begged them to stop with the politics and talking shit. They not only didn't stop they got even worse. I had been here since 2008. I told the one with the biggest mouth that I would love to shove my fist down his throat.
They banned me and several others and some members just left the site because of the bullshit.
Needless to say I didn't take to kindly too it and came back under a different account and started the Misfits thread. Ask my brothers from another site to join me and help bring some Karma to the assholes.
We owe a lot to Angie the Admin for being level headed and fair enough to see our side and what the assholes had done. I showed her the posts and that we weren't lying about the crap they had been doing. She made Pute, me, and Hippie Mods,,and the rest is History and so are they.😁
Sounds like an action-packed love story full of suspense, espionage , and deceit...
And that's why we don't allow political talk in the open forum. We'd be no better than the old guard if we did. Makes for hard feelings, and that's not what this site was intended for. Friendship, knowledge, growing, and a lot of silliness is what we're all about.
dont forget bingo Brother :rolleyes:
Ah thanks for the summary. Lol!! Saved me some time. I had a feeling it went something like that ...
I did not get to stay very long at that site. I saw a bunch of rancor, and noted that the person running the site was really nasty to folks.

I politely pointed this out to him, and he threatened me with his admin bootheel. This place got formed and I've come to know some truly upstanding and interesting people.

There is not a lib/dem/cabal/sex-change person here. Which makes this a very happy place. I've seen nothing like it.

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