Island Of Misfits

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Happy Mothers Day Subbie!
Also kiss your Momma for us 2!
She’s coming for brunch after church. I’ll kiss her twice, once for me and once for y’all. She kinda knows I have friends online cannabis club as she calls it…that know about her delicious goodies She brings me. She will like that. Thank you so much for the Mothers day wishes 💕
Good morning brothers and sisters!
Happy Mother's day to all ya'll mothers!
❤️ 🌷

Yet another double gorgeous day in Paradise here starting at 58F and predicted to reach 90F.

Some early morning work with my webmaster on my computer. I ended up ordering a used laptop to reinstall my Auto Cad on, so as to stop fighting the system when Microsoft makes a upgrade to my current computer.

I also got tutored on how to fix all the broken links in and will be working on that during the heat of the day.
I have no plans to go anywhere Pute. As I said, when I signed up at this is my home for the future. Last night at 4 o’clock Ivan let me know he had to go to the bathroom. I got up, went out on the porch and then realized my blood pressure medication was making me a little bit woozy so I was I headed back in, I went down for the count. Got back up and feels like my hip had been hit with a baseball bat but thank God there’s no damage other than being sore. I am no doubt paying my dues for the things I did coming up. Sitting on the crapper is quite painful.😱
Happy Mother's Day, Mom. 1921-2019. Still miss ya.

Boo, take advice from an old fool that used to have passing out problems. When you get that woozie feeling, squat down as low as you can get. It doesn't stop ya from passing out, but you don't have near as much momentum for the fall. It's more like a roll out/parachute landing fall. Bumped my noggin several times before I figured it out.
Sometimes your BP med dosage is too high and it lowers your BP too much brother and your heart rate.
The first one they had me on my Heart beat was down in the 40s at night. Told my Doc it was to strong and he agreed and put me on a different BP med. You have to be careful bro with the meds. Just because he prescribed them doesn't mean it's the right dosage or the correct BP medication. Pay attention to your heart rate. You should never be below the 50s.
This is the one I couldn't take.

: Lopressor​

Generic Name: Metoprolol​

That shit kicked my ass. I could barely get out of bed. Damn near passed out trying to stand up. Heartrate went down in the 40s at night which is dangerous as a mother fker.

He switched me to this one.
Carvedilol 3.125 mg
I cut them in half and take a half three times a day.

Sometimes you have to take control of your meds or at least tell your doctor what's happening. You could kill yourself passing out brother. Hit your head and never get back up.
I am currently taking almost 19 mg of carvidiol in the morning and the same in the evening. That is my adjusted dose and I have to change that it appears when I started to pass out I was outside on the porch and I came in trying to make it to the recliner, but fell about a foot short And popped my hip bone. I’ve been trained to jump with a parachute and I know to roll after I tuck my wings in and make sure I cover my face. It’s too pretty to break at this point in my life. This sure has been a heckuva few weeks for me.
I have no plans to go anywhere Pute. As I said, when I signed up at this is my home for the future. Last night at 4 o’clock Ivan let me know he had to go to the bathroom. I got up, went out on the porch and then realized my blood pressure medication was making me a little bit woozy so I was I headed back in, I went down for the count. Got back up and feels like my hip had been hit with a baseball bat but thank God there’s no damage other than being sore. I am no doubt paying my dues for the things I did coming up. Sitting on the crapper is quite painful.😱
Jeebus, Bro. Low blood pressure boinks are extra. Don't put them on the menu.

From over a dozen years in the future, I can tell you my Standard Gettin Up Procedure. This Procedure goes into effect without conscious thought by me:

EVERY time I get up, I stand holding something for about 5-8 seconds. Five to eight seconds will tell you if your blood pressure is up to the job.

You will either feel that weird goosey sensation (WGS), or you will be clear and good to go. If you have the WGS, just stand there for a few seconds until it goes away.

This SGUP will become an unconscious automatic way of getting up as time goes by.

(I didn't like the connotation of "unconscious" in this part of the discussion.) ;-)
you’re 100% right Walt. I am always getting up and taking off and about five seconds later I start to feel dizzy sometimes. I will force myself to change my habits and get out the way you recommend because I certainly can’t afford to be breaking my face, or passing out someplace…each and every passing day I have more respect for you living as long as you have Walt
you’re 100% right Walt. I am always getting up and taking off and about five seconds later I start to feel dizzy sometimes. I will force myself to change my habits and get out the way you recommend because I certainly can’t afford to be breaking my face, or passing out someplace…each and every passing day I have more respect for you living as long as you have Walt
Gawd bless ya, bro... Us Sneakydickers are easy to wound but a b.itch to kill. You certainly have that rare and proper "hard-to-kill" trait, but you need another decade or so of practice to get the system down pat to avoid extra dings.

So definitely practice the: "OK, I'm up... two, three, four, five, six."

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