is pot good or bad for pets?

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Ok this is a wild view on things.....catnip does just about the same thing for cats and its not considered cruel to give it to cats. My dog eats pot...i have had many a pissed off friend that left their bag sitting out while we were smoking and got it eaten. It is now well known by my friends that Marley (my dog) enjoys pot and will eat it, he also will come from any room in the house to the smoke room when he smells it. He could be asleep in his little doggie bed and we walk back to the back to smoke within 5 minutes he will pop in get in out face inhale a little smoke then leave. The only way I can explain it is he likes it. I have had pets that didnt like it at all my dog that passed a few years ago would sneeze and keep blowing out his nost if you tried to smoke around him (even in the same room) and was evident he didnt like it. So my point of view is if you have to hold the animals head and blow smoke in its face then thats unnessary and could probably be considered cruel. BUT if you got to keep your pet out the grow room because he would eat every bud and chew the stems to nothing, and when you smoke your pet is there trying to get in the line of fire blow him a gun gosh darnit. Michael Vick fighting dogs against each other and killing the losers is cruel blowing my dog a gun I wouldnt even put in the same class.
HGB said:
yes I did for a very old dog we lost a couple years back....treated her just like I treat my self medically...

she liked it in brownies and we never forced it on her like blow'n it in her face and the such....

we knew when she was in pain as well as when she wanted meds to help with pain :)

just to get an animal high to see it spaz out is wrong but if for med use like us and the pet consumes it on it's own so to speak then it's all good

our black lab was put down at 19 years old but lived a good life thanks to marijuana the last 4 years :)


Not an expert or a vet or anything but i have heard my eniter life that chocolate was bad for dogs and caused heart problems.
gottagrow_420 said:
Not an expert or a vet or anything but i have heard my eniter life that chocolate was bad for dogs and caused heart problems.

So have I but our vet said make her happy any way you can in the last part of her life :)

without the weed we had to carry her outside to do her thing and with weed she could walk on her own ;)

It's not like she had brownies daily or the such just when she couldn't move about and needed pain relief
Dogs can eat chocolate, just not cooking chocolate. If you give him a hoho, or a curly wurly or a kitkat it wont hurt them, unless he/she is given so much their stomach explodes. I only know this from working in a vet/ dog sitting service. And my dog has raided my munchie drawer on occasion, now we have to put a child proof lock on it.
Im just not sure animals would have the same receptors in their brain as we do that the cannabinoids work on when we get high. But animals do naturally produce endogenous cannabinoids which is one of the 3 general type of cannabinoids.
Looks like Ill have to do a little research on this subject just because you all got me curious now. And just so im clear here I do not get my dogs high, if they want to leave our smoking room they can and do. I dont force it on them, IMO it would be like getting a little kid high but like I said its my opinion. But I will do some looking around and fiind out the truth.
I know dogs that eat pot too.

But, my husband used to get his cat high when it was a kitten. He doesn't do it anymore, but the cat now has VERY SEVERE breathing and allergy problems.

Also, about that post that says "the dog has bitten someone for not letting it get high" or something like that, all I could think of was "Dude, Where's My Car?" where that hippie dude's dog smokes his own pipe. LOL... too funny!

The other thing that comes to mind is that movie where the old man is walking around with a boner and is knocking stuff off of the tables. After they smoke some he looks down at his dog and his dog is all: "Tell that ***** of yours to get in the kitchen and make me some blueberry pancakes!" I can't remember what movie that was from, but that dog was a cool stoner! LOL!

I do think that getting animals high is cruel. I mean, it may have a different effect on them, but not only that, they can't tell you if they feel good or not. If you get your dogs high because they "ask" for it, that's one thing, or if they eat it, that's another. But, to blow smoke into the nose or mouth of an animal is kind of cruel. They can't say no, and they can't say yes. Besides that, as people, we make the concious decision to smoke or not to smoke. Animals can't do that. They are at the mercy of the people who own them.

Next month "High Times" is doing an article about this very subject...I'll give a summary after I read the article...not that it will be at all subjective...

metalchick832 said:

The other thing that comes to mind is that movie where the old man is walking around with a boner and is knocking stuff off of the tables. After they smoke some he looks down at his dog and his dog is all: "Tell that ***** of yours to get in the kitchen and make me some blueberry pancakes!" I can't remember what movie that was from, but that dog was a cool stoner! LOL!
Road Trip :cool:
thedutchmaster3 said:
Is it cruel when you smoke? I can see if you are forcing them to smoke than that is definately cruel, but if the dog/cat/lizard likes it than why not. My buddys dog loves to smoke, everytime we spark one up he comes and sits right in front of us and paws until we blow it in his face. This dog has actually bitten people because they wouldnt let it smoke.

You've got a lizard high? That would be trippy, although I personally wouldn't do that to a lizard. You know the tingly feeling you get all across your skin? What does a lizard feel? I say stick to the mammals... As for a dog biting people, if MY dog ever bites anyone for anything other then self or territorial defense, it's time for that dog to sleep for a very long time....
Reptiles are very sensitive creatures. I've owned
Iguanas, Chameleon, bearded dragon
and currently own a python.
It's like growing MJ...they need a perfect environment. So smoke is a nono with them.
Now I did have one of my iguana chow my whole pot plant to a nub once grrrr...Not sure if it got high or not...they are pretty lazy on there own. :p
Last time i'm coming in here because it really pisses me off you guys getting your animals high. :mad:

What is the freaking purpose?

Does it make you feel better?

Does it make you laugh knowing that your causing harm to your pet?

Like i said before if your pet ask you for a hit fine give him one but i dought any of your pets are speaking english. I can only hope that one day one of your kids comes home crying because some Ahole held him or her down and blew pot smoke in thier faces. RANT OVER!
metalchick832 said:
I do think that getting animals high is cruel. I mean, it may have a different effect on them, but not only that, they can't tell you if they feel good or not. If you get your dogs high because they "ask" for it, that's one thing, or if they eat it, that's another. But, to blow smoke into the nose or mouth of an animal is kind of cruel. They can't say no, and they can't say yes. Besides that, as people, we make the concious decision to smoke or not to smoke. Animals can't do that. They are at the mercy of the people who own them.

What about unborn babies Metalchick? They don't ask for it either, but it's okay to smoke lots of pot while pregnant? :confused:
This thread just took a turn...I'm out as well. I'll just stick with the hot chick thread.
SmokinMom said:
What about unborn babies Metalchick? They don't ask for it either, but it's okay to smoke lots of pot while pregnant? :confused:

:holysheep: Who said I smoke "lots of pot" while I'm pregnant? I smoke a couple of bowls a day to ward off morning sickness and so that I can eat. And, after doing careful research, I have found out that babies in the womb are not "getting high" off of thier mother's habits.

Besides that, an unborn baby CAN tell you what they want and don't want. I quit smoking cigarettes because my body began to reject it. I would throw up every time I tried to light up. Many women experience this. Their bodies tell them what they can and can't handle. As long as my body doesn't want food (which is VITAL to the unborn baby's development) I will keep on smoking pot a couple of times a day in low doses to make sure I can eat and sustain my pregnancy. The goal is for a healthy baby. I don't think that two small bowls of pot a day while the fetus is less than 6 months developed will hurt it. My midwife agrees.

metalchick832 said:
And, after doing careful research, I have found out that babies in the womb are not "getting high" off of thier mother's habits.
Sorry but are you serious. :eek: Last time i checked the blood that is in your body flows through your babies body thus he or she is getting the THC. Have you ever seen a crack baby? I suppose that wan't caused by the mother smoking crack right? Trust me your baby weather you wanna believe it or not is getting that THC.
Sorry but are you serious. :eek: Last time i checked the blood that is in your body flows through your babies body thus he or she is getting the THC. Have you ever seen a crack baby? I suppose that wan't caused by the mother smoking crack right? Trust me your baby weather you wanna believe it or not is getting that THC.

Recent studies of babies in the womb have shown that before six months of development, when the brain really starts to make it's final connections to the rest of the system, smoking pot has little to no effect on the fetus. Once the baby reaches about six months of gestation, the brain begins to make it's final connections to the lungs, heart, kidneys, and other vital organs. Until this point, the baby's brain is really nothing but a series of small electrical impulses that are connected to the arms and legs. The baby does not develop the things needed for memory, focus, concentration, or even coordinated movement until that time.

And, on that same page on is this: "First, there is absolutely no epidemiological evidence for it, i.e. no bodies, to support the idea that marijuana use is as risky as tobacco use. Second, this is about "birth defects," and millions of women have smoked tobacco through their pregnancies, and the only proven consequence is a lower average birth weight. There are probably other problems, but given the huge population involved, they were obviously not very severe. Consequently, all that can be said is that marijuana use during pregnancy may pose some risk, but the consequences have not been observed in the general population in large enough numbers to have been detected In order for marijuana and tobacco users to "inhale comparable amounts of carcinogens" there would have to be a precise correlation between the average number of each type of cigarettes smoked, times the amount of carcinogen for the average smoker of each, times the absorption rate for the average smoker of each. Too many variables."

That is pretty much what most doctors and midwives who are well informed will tell you. There is no REAL evidence for either opinion to be supported.

Yes, the blood flow in your body does pass to the fetus. What most people don't realize, however, is that the placenta also acts a filter, allowing only MINIMAL amounts of harmful chemicals to penetrate. The reason so many women have problems with cigarettes is because the placenta is unable to filter out things such as arsenic, and other harmful additives that are in cigarette smoke. The same applies with "crack babies"... what does cocaine usually contain? Ether! What does crack contain? Cocaine and baking soda. Therefore, again, the placenta is unable to use it's natural ability to filter harmful natural poisons because ETHER IS AN UNNATURAL ADDITIVE!!

And no, I'm not dense. I understand that the baby will still recieve a nominal amount of THC. This, however, DOES NOT GET THE BABY ITSELF HIGH!!! Because of the fact that a fetus's brain is NOT fully developed, it lacks the ability to recieve THC in the same fashion that an adult would.

This being said, I'd like to mention that this forum is CERTAINLY not one where we should attack another's lifestyle. WE ARE ALL CRIMINALS... I have seen numerous posts where someone has asked whether or not it's okay to smoke while you're pregnant... opinion will ALWAYS vary on this subject, and there is no reason to debate it further. We should all stick to running our OWN lives. I didn't ask for input on how I treat my body while I'm pregnant.

That being said: I'm done with this. It's my choice, and I will quit when my midwife says it's time to. Otherwise, this post is about PETS... Let's keep it that way.

Ok, I am guilty of shotgunning my pets in the past. But I am older,and wiser now,and I know it is wring. If for no other reason than they didn't get to choose, I did. Savvy? The dog, never seemed to really mind, but that don't mean he didn't. The cats were always liable to scratch you pretty good, so that tells me they were not "down".

Now if you really want to have some fun. Catch a housefly,and place it under a glass. Keep blowing smoke into it. They get tore right up LMAO. I had one get so high it flipped over,and started laying eggs. Once they are stoned you can take the glass off of them, they cannot fly anyway LOL.
The Star said:
Now if you really want to have some fun. Catch a housefly,and place it under a glass. Keep blowing smoke into it. They get tore right up LMAO. I had one get so high it flipped over,and started laying eggs. Once they are stoned you can take the glass off of them, they cannot fly anyway LOL.

LMFAO! OMG! :banana:

That is good to know actually. My daughter just caught a baby frog the other day and we have been having to feed him dead crickets. He will only eat them if they are still warm, so if he doesn't see them then he won't eat them that day, and we have lost a cricket for no good reason. At least this way I know the fly will be a nice warm meal for him and it won't be able to fly away! LOL... Thanks for that one!

I wouldn't have thought that flies can't get high though... From what I understand we share a good portion of our DNA and brain function with flies, so I guess it shouldn't be surprising that they can get stoned if we can!



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