The light for my area is currently 14:24 of daylight today.... It is getting increasingly shorter though and i was wondering how much shorter it has to get before my plants will begin to show sex? I planted some seeds on the 3rd and 4 have shot up... I know they have to be big enough to even show sex but by that time do you think they should show? I will lose about an hour of light by august 20th from what it is now.... Is that enough of a daylight shortening for it to show? It is about 13:18 by then so pretty much 13/11 light cycle.... Will this be short enough to flower it? Im getting kinda excited that i don't have to worry about males too long, although my yield will be pretty low by now, it is still very cheap higher quality marijuana than i am currently getting :hubba: Also, if i plant with bag seed and make the crop sensi and take good care of it, how much better should this be than the bud i got the seeds from? It is from just some schwag that is like 60-70/ oz... (weed is kinda cheap in my area)