How Does My Garden grow ?

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Yo Ho Ho N,

Well you guys are so cool showing your ladies off that I thought I should too. Here is my List of goods that I am using;

My Growbox measurements = 3'6" deep X 4'6" wide X 6'6" tall

I use side mounted 48" growtubes, total is 6 tubes in all.
along with two 90 Watt tri-band LEDS for the vegging.

For the 12/12 flowering cycle I use a 400 Watt HPS

I keep the temps stable at 78* degrees during light on,
and a drop in temp down to 72* during lights off.

I have one W/W and two Blue/Mystic in there.
All three share the same soil mix, and I blend the soil myself.
Also the containers are three gallon ea.

There is a passive circulating fan as well as a fan to gently pull the warm air out through a carbon filter also home made,( found the instructions here).
I use two heavy duty inline fans to keep the HPS cool, one pushes and one pulls. I can comfortable rest my hand on the reflector, and that is perfect.

My only mistake was how tall I made the box, HMMmmmm, should have gone a full eight foot.

My ladies were flipped on the first of the month, so I am hoping for some Christmas cheer. LOL

Here is a couple of pics taken this morning;

I hope that you guys like them, feed back would be nice, I still like to learn.

smoke in peace










Very cool King...

You're going to have LOTS of holiday cheer from that batch... :aok: I look forward to seeing them come to fruition... Keep up the Green Mojo...

Thanks you guys,

I've never had the Blue/Mystic before. Got the beans through Nirvana. I'm told that there can be a wonderful after of blueberry. Makes my mouth water just to think on it.
All three of my ladies are in the same sized containers, (3 gal.). The soil mix is my own, but there is some odd here. One of the B/M ladies has some yellowing going on that at first starts to look like an Mg. def. but then now it really looks more like nute burn. Why would that plant be getting the yellowing and the other isn't ?
You can see it in one of the pics, second pic down on the right, and this yellowing process started shortly after they were flipped. Makes no sense to me at all, in fact there really are about only 8 to ten older fan leaves showing this, so that has me too.
I know what nute burn looks like all to well, and with this I'm confounded.

any help or thoughts would be mighty appreciated.

smoke in peace

In the plant with the funky leaves... Is there any chance of a Cal/Mg deficiency...? :confused:
Yo Ho dirtyolsouth,

Sure there is, as anything is possible I guess. I'm just baffled cause,
1.There are a limited number of the yellowing leaves. 8 maybe 10 of them.
2. It shows only in the older fan leaves.
3. Nute burn shows at the leaf tips and edges, but not with these.
4. This progresses very, very slow.
5. I see small bursts of change when I do a good soaking.
6. All 3 of my girls have the same soil mix.
7. and this happened after the lights were flipped to 12/12

Like I said, I am at a loss because the symptoms are odd, and out of whack ya know ?

smoke in peace
are you referring to all of the plants or just 1 in particular with the issues? if it's your WW, i would back of the nutes a bit....
KK. good med strains your growing. i've done the ww, and as you know, she is a sensitive lass.

are your pots sitting on the floor? this could be from a cold root zone. i had this happen to me last winter. to remedy it, i built a wooden pallet to get them off the cold floor, and allow more air flow under the plants, as well as around them. just a thought...

your problem looks to me to be a Manganese deficiency. you'll want to get a good hydroponic nute, mix full strength, 3x the amount of nutes/water, as soil in your pots. ( ie... 3 gallon pot = 9 gallons flush )...

lets hear others suggestions first though. we don't want to misdiagnose these prettys'...

what are you feeding them... how far into flower?...

check this out brother KK...

I always imagined you an outdoor grower. I guess Icwasn't paying attention. What a beautiful grow! Thanks.
Hey guys, yeah fleshstain, it's just one of the Blue/Mystic .

I have the ladies elevated a good six inches above the floor, I flipped them on the 1st of the month. After I scorched my last W/W, and saw how sensitive they are to nutes so I designed a program that would give good ferts through the vegging, but then would slowly taper off during the flowering.

My mix is 35% MG's potting soil with NO pre-ferts added, 10% sand, 15% perlite, and the rest is some serious black soil from my compost pile, (no contaminants in there). Each container received 1/2 cup bone meal, 1/2 cup liquid fish emultion, then 3/4 cup slow release nitrogen pellets designed to break down over three month period of time. That's it.

I do keep the top 2 or 3 inches well aerated by digging up the soil between waterings, which I do every three days. I give the plants 1/2 gallon of distilled water per watering, with a flush of 1-1/2 gallons every two weeks, depending on the look and the PH of the water. I couldn't be more dialed in if I tried. So where did I mess up, or is it my bad somewhere, and I just don't see it ????

smoke in peace
Very stunning Harem u got there your highness!!
Excellent KK, I am so glad to see you up and growing again. I wish you nothing but lush, beautiful green. :)
i'm not that familiar with Mystic.... are they 2 different phenos?
King, your garden is a testament to 3 gallon pots! It was only this morning that I was advising someone that 3 gallons is a good size for an indica grow. Your garden proves it. Great work. Can't wait to hear the smoke report.
have you used these 'nitrogen pellets' before KK? after doing a bit of searching, i realize this is not Manganese, as Manganese will present itself on younger, new growth first. so scratch above^ post...

you say the problem is on 'older leaves' in your post. the only other thing i see it could be is a cal/mag deficiency, as it presents itself in the older leaves first...

also, if those pellets have'nt played thierselves out in your soil yet, they could be throwing a wrench in your flower feed schedule, meaning each time you water, it activates more nitrogen than needed for flowering...

just thinking out loud again KK. how are you measuring your ph? got a digi meter? and whats the numbers on your flowering nute? what brand?...

Here's to you getting your yellowing under control..

but really, the whole garden looks great!

All Hail the King:)
Yo Ho,

The pellets are very stable, and the breakdown that releases the nitrogen is the surest bet if you are timing the release. I prefer to use[FONT=Arial, Helvetica] sulfur-coated urea pellets, and you can get them with different thicknesses of the outer coating for a more pinpoint type of release.

I use a
[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica] Bluelab tester, that is good, easy to calibrate, and is used for both soil as well as water. I keep my Ph as near to 6.7 - 6.9 as I can, and so far I'm pretty good at it. Remember I use distilled water also.

The one thing that you did mention, and I am suspect of it is the use of the pellets and I am wondering if some didn't dissolve as soon as I had expected, A simple mis-judgement in the watering could trip me up if it wasn't a good soak. HMMmmmm, Maybe that one got a hard surge of nitrogen, but it should show itself in the more delicate buds as well as the newer leaves, Nope it isn't doing that. Still I wonder though.

smoke in peace

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