How do you pull yourself out of the dumps?

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Personally I am incredibly messy but I know exactly where things are...but at the same time can never find what I am looking 🤔 that's the ADHD side of the brain, can have phone in hand and be looking for it but you ask me where the most random things are at any given time and I usually know, it's a weird life
WW is a good strain for mental clarity. It helps me stay focused. I know nit the same . It slso help me with stress.
With a new Avatar from an Old friend
I been sober off heroin for six years. I just had to take little steps. If i just sit home and sleep a lot I stay down. Routine and structure is very important its hard but get up clean up and just go for a mile or two walk. Get some sunshine. Make sure to be out of the house the same time every day. I volunteer to cook at a day center for the homeless. Try to get a pet. Something that needs you for it to live. I have always said we are all crazy but some are in a different place. I think people are always here to lend support but its you that has to keep moving
I been sober off heroin for six years. I just had to take little steps. If i just sit home and sleep a lot I stay down. Routine and structure is very important its hard but get up clean up and just go for a mile or two walk. Get some sunshine. Make sure to be out of the house the same time every day. I volunteer to cook at a day center for the homeless. Try to get a pet. Something that needs you for it to live. I have always said we are all crazy but some are in a different place. I think people are always here to lend support but its you that has to keep moving
Yes pets do help with depression. I got my Son a Cat and I think he loves her more than me some times but he is still here and I am grateful.
Sorry I had that all messed up. I have just smoked a 1/2 a J way more than I normally do. Got to start buying mini cones I don't like to relight.
I never knew these existed. Cool idea I may have to try. But, with fifty years rolling experience, it seems a shame to waste my ability to roll smooth burning fatties. One usually lasts Mrs Zuma and I a day.
With minis, I could get more variety each day. Hmmmm...
I never knew these existed. Cool idea I may have to try. But, with fifty years rolling experience, it seems a shame to waste my ability to roll smooth burning fatties. One usually lasts Mrs Zuma and I a day.
With minis, I could get more variety each day. Hmmmm...
Well I smoke alone it only taste good the first time relighting a j tastes like shit to me. Sometimes I pinch the burnt part off and put the rest in a bowl. I prefer my one hitters. Taste great every time.
I tell you the mini blunts are great after a shitity day also if y'all are looking for variety with cigars. Sometimes that hit of nicotine is just what the day needs. Def don't knock it till you try. Spliffs ain't bad either though
I dont like blunts. The tobacco ruins it for me. I used to smoke and I quit in 93
No tobacco for this guy. Fk that shit. Open heart surgery will wake your ass up very quickly to the fact that tobacco is bad for you.
I'll stick to the taste of my flowers which is why I love weed. I like the different taste you can get from different strains.
I quit smoking more than 30 years ago. It was and still is the hardest thing I ever did, and I still get strong cravings occasionally. I've always said if I get a terminal disease someday, the first thing I'm going to do is start smoking again.
One of my buddies dads, always partied with us when I was in my 20’s.
That would have been mid 90’s.
I noticed that he was always reaching in his front shirt pocket, and asked him about it one night at a party.
He said he had quit smoking 10 years ago, but every time he drank, he would continually reach in that front shirt pocket looking for a pack of cigarettes, lol.
I know the feeling.
No tobacco for this guy. Fk that shit. Open heart surgery will wake your ass up very quickly to the fact that tobacco is bad for you.
Lung cancer does the same.

I finally got over reaching for my shirt pocket, but I still think about cigarettes once a day, every day, all day long. I'd quit smoking at least 7 years before I got the death sentence, but I'd switched to vaping. Now, I don't vape/smoke anything. Gotta go for another six month CAT scan in October. I'll be picking up a carton of coffin nails if the results come back bad. Got a feeling they won't though. It'll be something else that takes me out. Gotta face facts; we ain't gettin' outta this life alive!!

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