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Dogs are waiting on. D.D. to get home --If that doggie door got locked one of them gonna get a head injury !--Hit that door at a dead run --make lap around the house then back out the door !--They do get excited !
I'm gonna do this gig (my new job) till I get my VA disability finished, then it will be time to partially retire and focus more on my small garden. Me and the wife moved some money around and she wont have to go back to work. I'm happy, looks like I might be able to start seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, and maybe slow down some myself.....never understood those who "have to work till they die" I always planned to retire in my mid to late 50's and thats the plan still. I have been fortunate to work in a high demand high pay profession most of my adult life, so I may have advantages some folks don't have, but I sure have worked hard for them....and tbh I would give the shirt off my back to someone in need, the law of "the more you give the more you get in return" is real, been that way my whole life....now off to The State Department of Law Enforcement to get a background and finger printing (always makes me nervous).....I already told them I have been booked numerous times, why the need to print me again, my fingers didn't change lol.
Kraven nursing is hard work U earn every penny !--I was gonna retire had a plan but when I was 45 I hit that wet floor and that an was done !--The disability judge with his cowboy hat and string tie decided in his wisdom that that long haired low life is just trying to life at the publics expense !--He decided I could get a job folding clothes since I freely admitted I helped my wife around d the house when I could !--It was such a relief to find out I was not disabled after all !--Do I have a chip on my shoulder about the disabling system !--Maybe !
Only skill I got let is I know a little about weed and I'm hanging with a bunch of talented pharmers !---They threw me away like a broken tool!---I guess U could say I got something to prove !--I got your broken tool right here !--Too late to stop me now !
While I'm on a rant !-- I just read another article about tetras --Don't waste your time there's nothing there that is any better than what we breed !--No reputable breeder sells tetra seed or even toys with the idea !--Yakkity -yak !---I will walk away and never mention it again if I got a reasonable explanation of the origins of U.B.C. Chemo !---If there is nothing in tetra where did it come from ? --- I should just take your word there is no reason to look ?-- I'm not a reputable breeder --They say I'm an Outlaw !--I'll be finding out for myself !--The good stuff is always found in the fringes not where ever scrap has been examined by many !--
Wow!--I always think of the PNW either raining or raining and cold !-- Never been there !-- That's about the normal winter temp range around here !
D.D. want to go camping on the beach ? --Last time we did U shoulda seen her running up to the tent and catching that tie down on her ankle !-Looked like a acrobat that missed a move !--Limped for a couple weeks after that !--I know it's wrong to laugh at someone else's pain but that was funny !--When U can walk back to the house to go to the bathroom from your "Camp" is really even camping out ?-- Go over to the beach and have a good time then go home !--I mean it's right over there !-- I mean come on we live here !
There are 2 different climates in PNW. The West Coast is wet and rainy and the Eastern Part of the state is referred to as a high desert and is dry most of the time.
Kraven that is a good plan. It sounds a lot like the 1 I had, then God started laughing. When my oldest son decided to go to med school, it changed all my plans and any money I was planning for my future.. poof. So now I'm retired in my late 50's and doing what I wanted all along, just no money. Personally, I'm ok with that.
Umbra I could be O.K. with that if they'd let me !-- I'm 62 and the body functions O.K. except the broken parts !-- I got plenty time left !--U can die at any time for any reason so I don't think about the end of life much !---I been fighting this weed war since 1973 !--It's close to being over --It ain't going nowhere we will be free in our own land got dam it !
Me too umbra, me and the wife never had kids, but we spoil our nieces and nephews. The wife and I have a low budget lifestyle and we are cool with that. We both drive new cars every 5 years, we have owned 2 homes and working on the third, so all in all between what I have been led to believe by really smart people in the know about my VA disability, and what I have saved, I'm more than certain that within 10 years I could walk away, it takes that long to get vested 100% in the state retirement system, and me and my wife would do fine, I get free VA health and she is on a stand alone Blue Cross/ Blue Shield 80/20. Once I get my disability done, she will be able to enjoy the same benefits as I do with the VA since she is my spouse, and surprisingly they (VA) have become much better where I'm at. I bled for this country and I should have filed back in 2005, well I did but the moron I had helping me did it all wrong, so now my lawyer says they will owe me back pay from 4/2005 until the day they settle my claim (surprisingly that comes out to around 400k, and my lawyer is excited since he gets 27% of whatever he works out with my VA Claim....he's gonna get a big payday...I'm gonna be happy it's done)...all goes into the retirement kitty....only problem I see is if they say I'm 100% and non employable, well then I will have to just retire and wont be able to double dip for 10 years. I'm hoping for about 80% and that's a good check every month.... ~2900.00 month tax free.(just amount itself covers our monthly expenses.)
That's funny as hell. The auto censor doesn't like the abbreviation for Blue Shield.

Wife was kind enough to share her newfound cold with me. Sometimes I wish she didn't love me so much!
yea hippie had to go back and edit it, then ended up writing a ton more...hope you get through the cold quickly....2000u of vit C and no more than 11mg of Zinc per day will get you through it about 45-50% faster.
Kraven best of luck !-- Just remember the world doesn 't always work the way it should !-- I could be wrong but when prohibition ends in a few years we gonna need ya !---U a gifted pot farmer and U know it'll pay the bills !-- If retirement means quit growing weed then I want no part of it !--I just want to grow enough to pay the bills and have enough left to play with until prohibition ends !--Then I got this !--
Hey Umbra --I wanted to breed some CWO but that's gonna be hard to do with only this one plant !--Got anymore seed ?

Yep !-- I got a CWO sprout !--
Turning out to be a good day !--D.D. came home and told me she found my poison !--I go check the grow and I got my first tetra !
Hey Umbra --I wanted to breed some CWO but that's gonna be hard to do with only this one plant !--Got anymore seed ?

Yep !-- I got a CWO sprout !--
Yes, but not very many. Maybe 20 beans altogether.
yea hippie had to go back and edit it, then ended up writing a ton more...hope you get through the cold quickly....2000u of vit C and no more than 11mg of Zinc per day will get you through it about 45-50% faster.
I'm going to try 64 oz. of Miller Lite first. If that doesn't work, I'll give the vitamins a try.
Can't remember the last time I had back to back colds. I've always been a pretty healthy person. Guess I'll blame it on the weather or the damn leper I'm married to.:)
Umbra --Cuz I was just using that as a way to announce that I had one germ !--I was excited !--There's still the last 2 seed in the dirt that could come up !---Them seed getting old Cuz !--Need to breed a fresh batch !-- Before U lose it ! --D.D. found me that stuff !-- So I'm gonna see what I can do !--Boy or girl as long as I don't kill it --I can use it but it would be nice to have a breeding pair !--I'm not trying to hustle seed I'm very thank full for what you've sent !-- Hopefully one day I'll have something U want growing back there !--That day comes-- it's yours ! I make a decent tetra out theses seed of the opposite sex as that CWO ?--I'm well on my way !--
What up Hippie ?-- Quit getting sick !-- I got my first tetra Cuz !--It's on now !-- Maybe come spring U be growing some Clock Work Orange or a mutant Dawg !-- Bout to get tricky up in here !-- Them Dawg seed be fertile as hell and gonna make a fine freak !--
Keef, I will continue to research / grow / breed MMJ till I die, that's my retirement, cant wait till I can devote 100% of my efforts to cultivation.
Kraven --it's all I got !--I'm doing all the playing around with stuff while I can !-- It rely want take a big grow to do this Liquid Weed stuff !-- I'm taking it from the farm to packaged product myself !-- Aero is a hard way to grow but I've learned a lot !-- I'll probably keep my cloning nursery pretty much the same !--When it comes to a small mom , pop operation to feed Liquid Weed production --I'm still not sure !--I got the most experience with soil !-- A soil less mixture is tempting !-- Got to make up my mind soon so I can decide how to set that spare room up for a bloom room !--
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