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Yes Keef, there is a variety that is high in thcv and it is called Dougs Varin.. can't find it anywhere.. another high thcv is ACDC and high is 2 %. I would love more of these kind of strains too. The roots, i am not ready to deal with.
Hey Rose !--D.D. got put on call so I got company tonight !---I can do the root thing !--My white roots have never been in dirt --They clean !--I'll have to play with them one day !
I read some that made so much sense !--Some one hands U a bud --First thing U do is look at it --The second is that U smell it !--THC and CBD have no smell !--When U smell we'd U smell these terpenes !--The smell can tell U more or less what kind of buzz the weed will produce !--Terepenes gonna be important! --

Looks like the world conspiring against me on this polyploid thing !-Everyone says don't waste your time polyploid is a dead end, there's nothing there !--Ladies and Gentlemen --Stoners all !--I'm sensing a smoke screen !-- I got to go see !--If I find nothing then I'll know !--If I find something I could end up spouting the same smoke screen !-- Worst that happens is I make my Liquid Weed out of GG# -The T.E. and stuff !-I'll do fine !--
How about we all just get high !-- My brain hurts !--
please allow me one big fat complaint. medicine cost 700.00 for 2 prescriptions. can i hear a horse sh*t. Poor mr rb bout had a heart attack when he went to pick them up...

Smoking an ineresting combo.. LA, Nordle, and Papaya and something speedy.
Absolutely keef, the thing we try to hide, the thing that either you love or hate, the thing that clings to our fingers and clothes... terpenes man. My nurse larry smells floral and i don't like the smell in the jar after a long cure, kinda sick sweet to me.. so interesting.
Got a good friend who drives one of those big name delivery trucks. She delivered a big, heavy box to some guy & when he opened the door, smoke billowed out. She said she think she got a contact high cause she felt really weird! Bunch of stoners! Just sit around getting high & ordering stuff from Amazon all day!
What did they put U on Rose ?-- D.D. been neck deep in the books then running to the grow room then back to the book !--I think we created a monster !-- I remember when she used to tell me-- Go play with your Widow thingy !-- Just like when we met !--I taught her at first then she surpassed me --long time ago !-- Trauma or emergency surgery --I'm your man!--I don't do babies !---I was traumatized when a dog chewed up a child's face and I had to hold the little guy down while the doc sewed him up --The screams !!-Never mind I'm putting that back in a box !--Remembering that will serve no purpose !--Where's my pipe !
Evening Giggy !--Glad U had something to smoke !--Sometimes I'm not sure our free state brothers and sisters forget the struggle we face every frigging day !

Mardi Gras !--King Cake !!- I member dis one time--I drove my chevy to the levee -and the levee was GONE !
What up Kraven ? --New job -- Day job ? --
Where Cane go one minutes smoming some GG#4 --then he's talking about-- got to got beat somebody with a Tai Chi stick or something then he's gone !
Keef Just trying to catch up that GG#4 really kicked my A$$ this morning... how strong of weed does one need....Did hit a little wax with it ...Gotta go check the girls before they go to sleep,...Be Back
Cane !--He lives !--That's my thought on Liquid Weed !--Just how strong do U need your smoke to be !--There's a time and place to get hammered with dabs vaping hash oil !-- Some of the kick *** stuff I heard be grown up in the O.F.C. !-- 25% THC is potent weed !--If I make a Liquid Weed that strong --it'll be to strong for some !--So I make it 30% !--These people in the south have no idea what's gonna happen ! --They can't smoke some 30% THC and still walk and talk !
If improving the quality of life is the goal than less really is more. I like to get hammered before bed, but i like to do stuff during the day, so I don't need 30 % thc.
Hey Hippie U mad man !--I been reading again !--Cuz seems that U ahead of the curve !--These terepenes that about to be the next big thing ? --- Heat destroys them and most extractions get hot enough to destroy them !---If only there was a way to make a concentrate without heat !--A way to keep it ICE cold during concentration !--I see the moons bout right time for U to get your robes and wizard hat out and do that thing U do !--Ice water Bubble Hash like U do should preserve and concentrate all those little terepenes !
Hey Rose !--That was my point !-- That would be too potent for most !--I'm thinking low 20% THC would be just fine !---If U in a social situation are U gonna shoot double shots of high proof or something more manageable? -- Same with smoking !--U want to get hammered on 2 tokes we can do that!!- but wouldn't it be better slowly work up to that point ?
I hear ya Rose I really shouldn't have got that ripped,knowing what I had to do today...Snuck up on me I guess....Just can't keep up with those kids....The workshop went great It was three hrs..Which after about two and a half I start to loose it. I get overwhelmed and forget what I was doing...Kind of lock up,Go Blank :confused2:
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