Around here, OSHA was a joke. Three days before they showed up, the general contractor would come around and put up safety rails, lights, etc. When you saw it happen, you could bet your bottom dollar that the Feds were coming. Why? It cost just as much to make it right as soon as the job started. Nope, they'd wait until they got tipped off before they'd take the worker's safety into consideration.
Always supposed to be potable water on the job, too. There wasn't. If you put a dog out on a chain in the summer without water, you'd get fined or arrested. Guess we rated lower than a dog.
Don't even get me started on porta-potties. On a job with a hundred men, there's supposed to be at least four. Last job I worked in the county, there were two. They'd clean 'em on Friday, and by Tuesday, the crap would literally be above the seat. Call OSHA and they'd say they'd check it out. Never happened. Call the union and they'd say, "Be glad you're working".
I played thug. When they got that deep, I'd tip 'em over. A week's worth of that and the company that owned the johns told the contractor that they'd pick up their equipment and leave the job john-less. Next week, there was four instead of two, and they were cleaned twice a week, not once.
Sometimes, ya gotta take matters into your own hands.