Morning O.F.C. !--Giggy in da house!-- Missed ya Cuz !-- Yo Cane -- Get one of those metal Bengay tubes-- Squeeze all the bengay and save in baggie for later use -- unwrapped at end to gain access inside of tube and clean with hot water-- stand tube up on screw top -- when dry pour about a teaspoon of melted wax --cool- when U remove the screw on cap - U see white wax-- remove. Small amount and fl with bengay -- Keef's patented personal stash carrier - open and access weed thru at Folded end - transported in a shave kit and a lite bengay smeared on it !-- Ain't NO dog gonna stick his nose in there !-- the crumbled metal tube will get thru x-ray without notice !-- Carried my weed thru every major airport in the U.S.!--
The Louie has a lemon cleaner smell and the Jack Herer has its own smell, together it is intoxicating.
I'm smoking some of that Jack Herer as we speak..After four days with no smoke , very Intoxicating...
Thanks Rose, I have learned that,it's not all about the fish,we had a ball,the weather was beautiful,, food and wine were great,and there was fish caught!!!
Keef, Better yet, the campground host can hook me up... Yo bud sign me up for the Halloween Party...LOL