I'm going as a democrat. I'm gonna take half of all the kid's candy and give it to the kids that are too lazy to go door to door.....Im gonna wear Red and pretend im a Republican,,,course my shirt that reads To Hell with Church might give me away.
me too! I never worried too much about impressing other people when I grew for myself. Now yield, THC %, hype strains, and of course trim work are much more important. Rose, your results are not an obstacle, they are an opportunity. More growers should have your concerns.
They are an opportunity to do better. Not every one tests their grows. If they did, you would see that you are doing better than most. Now that you know what is in your cannabis, you can be better prepared for your next grow. It is a lifetime of learning. Lots of people think they can grow good pot. With the advent of legalization, where people with no experience and no real passion for the plant, begin growing for profit, it is the passion for the plant that continues the drive to grow better and better. With extracts many of these impurities are excluded in the final product. With bubble hash the size of the mesh is small enough to exclude the molds. With BHO, solvent doesn't extract the impurities either. Even a simple alcohol extraction would kill molds and impurities, RSO should be ok. And just so you know 10,000 ppm is .01%. Than is better than the amount of rat feces allowed in hamburger...I'm just saying....what do you mean Umbra? If the cut off line is 10,000 and your pot is 10,000 would you smoke it? Tell me how they are an opportunity, i am here to learn.