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I'll have to get my CFO/Research assistant on the case for terepines !-- Sounds like the terepine profile would be the reason 2 weeds with the same THC content can have a different buzz !-- Kraven - U gonna need a bigger grow room !
I need to talk to this ex street chemist I know about these terepines !-- See if he knows how to seperate them !-- We talking designer oil here U know ?-- For me that means heavy couch lock with a psychodelic edge !--
That is what they are talking Keef. Individualized. Pretty interesting stuff. Who knew that sativa or indica? Who cares, it is all about the terpenes.

sigh... this is the stuff we are 50+ years BEHIND in research/knowledge because of REEFER MADNESS (Nixon, DuPont)

I swear, if the cure to cancer is found directly or indirectly due to the research done on MJ ... the entire human race was done WRONG :mad:

Morning OFC. I am not a big fan of THCFarmer. I was a member there for some time. Until Logic ripped me off for some inexpensive seeds. Breeder after breeder warned me, Logic would rip me. I hope MP works out the problems. The OFC has started to grow on me, like a fungus. lol
I'm with you umbra. I like it here.
I bought some lime today, place didn't have dolomite lime. I got a bag of lime. Didn't say what kind. Just powder lime. Guy at the hardware store said this is what people are buying to raise the pH in their gardens. Do you think this will work? If not, I have to make a top at the box store and buy a bag of play sand today, I'm sure Lowes would have dolomite lime.
I have read some stuff about terpenes, but it's been a while. Terpenes are the oils that give cannabis it's aroma & taste. If I remember correctly, the most common terpene found is the one that gives off that pine scent. We know that growing conditions affect the quality & quantity of our harvest, but it also affects the terpene concentration. I found it interesting because I was looking for a strain to help with anxiety; it's all about the terpenes.
More and more breeders are breeding for terpenes. I saw a hand held device that can sample THCA, CBD, THCV, and terpenes. Essentially a hand held mass spectrometer. It is an interesting approach to male selection.
42 degrees outside with 20+ mph winds. 42+20=BURRR!!!!

I cut the $130 Thermoclear panel and wussed out for the day. Wussed out on cutting it, too. Figured if I was going to pull a boner, I'd do it on something cheaper, so I bought a sheet of OSB, measured it, cut it, and stuck it where the Thermoclear panel goes. Fit like a glove, so I stuck it on top of the clear panel and traced around it.

I wasted nine bucks on the OSB, but it beats scrapping a expensive panel.
Measure twice cut once ?-- Hippie ain't no dum sheet !-- about those Terepines -- I wonder if U get the same effect from smoking or eating weed !-- Seems that some may benefits would be greater if U ate the weed !--- I know for a fact that U get a much better effect having some oil with Cannacaps !- Take them all the time !-- --
They make a couple of different sizes, Keef. Check one of the big box stores. Might even be on sale this time of year.

Best results I've had as far as seed sprouting. I think I paid less than a Jackson for the tray, the insert holder, the heat mat, the dome, and the cubes. Don't leave the dome on for more than a couple of days or you risk mold.

I always soak my seeds for a full day in 50/50 water-3% H2O2. It takes care of any fungi cleaning to the seeds.
Hey Hippie, could I just dip a clone in H202 and would that kill the plant? Does it need to be a mixture of h202 and h20? I want to make sure anything i bring in the house doesn't have bugs.

Keef, i will go look and see if I can get this paper I am reading, for you.
Hippie, just don't harvest. I am just barely getting over it.. just say no to harvest.
Thanks Hippie !-- I gotta check them out !-- I would like to be able to start seed in aero !--
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