Home of the Old Fart's Club

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Love to hunt 'em, love to eat 'em, but I love watching the fawns buck jump all over my back yard even better.:) Had a mama deer last year that would walk up within ten feet of the Old Hen and me.

Sunflowers are done. Corn is done. The melons, radishes, and onions can wait 'til tomorrow.
nice Hippie. My veggie garden has not done well in California. Weed has done very well, though.
I got aeropoonic Rosemary !- Serrano peppers ,Dill and Green Onions on the patio does that count as a vegetable garden ? Rosemary be liking aero and spidermites don't like my Rosemary !- Which makes me a happy man !- Just don't know what to do with all the rosemary !-- Oh !- I got aloe out the ving vang and banannas! Nasty little banannas !-- And Weed !-
My Grandfather never had to worry about Dear eating his Garden because he loved Deer Meat, ,,if ya catch my drift. They got a few ears of corn and a Slug from his Shotgun. Lol
Hell he used it like a Deer Stand. :rofl:
Bongo!-- Welcome Home !-- This be where us old Farts hang out !- I'd like to invite U to the Wake and Bake we have every morning !- Just a bunch of old Farts having coffee and a buzz !
my youngest son is about to turn 21. picking up his older brother at the airport later tonight. we are going to party so much, I took off time from work.
Bongo!-- Welcome Home !-- This be where us old Farts hang out !- I'd like to invite U to the Wake and Bake we have every morning !- Just a bunch of old Farts having coffee and a buzz !

Thanks for the invite Keef, I'm a late riser but I'll try and join in.
Bingo don't know your time zone but we got peeps from the east coast to the west coast !- That's a long morning !- We be around !
Welcome to our little corner of MP. Like Keef said, we have wake and bake in the morning, and whenever we feel like it the rest of the day. At 64, you`ll fit right in, I`m 67.
Hey we need someone to keep the Hippy and Yoop company at night if U a night hawk !- Them boys be smoking weed all the time !- Don't tell anyone but I think they actually grow the stuff !
Gotta be time for a "midnight wake and bake". Whose joining me ? I`m breaking out my last, make that next to last bowl of White Widow.
No joiners I see. That must mean it`s bedtime. Gonna finish this bowl then bedtime. Later.
Good morning OFC, hope the day is sunny and clear for ya`ll. Got coffee and a bowl, so it`s "wake and bake" time in Curmudgeonland.
Morning O.F.C. !-- Yoop U ever sleep ?-- My Strawberry Rhino clone is due for delivery today !-- I'm excited - just hope the Po-Po don't deliver it !-- Fat Green man flying on Monday !-- it's gonna be cool that other's be growing a little Widow this year !- I been kinda liking mixing my black line Widow with the T.E. on occasion !- Gonna have to try breeding that black line again !-- The Gloman got a fine specimen of the T.E. on my pink line Widow ! Giggy got the only other specimen of that cross ! Hey !- something I found very amusing was when those T.E. seed from cannazon came in !- - I'm standing there knowing my seed are in the package !-- took me almost ten minutes before I found them !- Brilliant ! More coffee and pipe !- Later !
Got my 3 hours of sleep, what more do you want ? Can`t help it, I`m awake after that. Used to just roll over and switch sides, now I wake up.
I can understand Yoop !-- I get 6 hours I'm good !- -- My clone coming in today ( alive I hope ) and ordering those Williams Wonder seed tommorrow - Life is good !-- Plan to start them with those last White Elephant seed !- I will get a female !- but need a male of each too !- Probably Willy first !- Strawberry Willy ?- T.E. -X- Willy ( got no name ) --- and of course - Willy on my Widow !- -- get those settled in and whip out that White Elephant male and put him to work !- most interested in putting him on the T.E. -Willy cross - !- That's gonna be my money maker !-
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