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Don't matter what U call it if it keeps U alive !-- Umbra is our smart brother - he's a stickler for spelling so I spell stuff wrong sometimes just to annoy him ! Smart Brother is our resident expert and breeder extraordinaire !-- Because of his advice I got this Tranquil Elephantizer and she got tricomes on her tricomes !- Most potent!
I hope my THC bomb and AK47 strains get tricomes on their tricomes. That would be awesome. 3.75 weeks into flower. 2 of each which totals 4. I added it up.
Bongo !- So U only got 4 plants ?-- I don't do math like other people - U see I run a clone factory to keep my SOG rotation rolling !-So although I only got 3 plants-- I got fingers times toes of clones ! - I run aero under LEDs !- Once I got myself a fine lady I'll clone the snot out of her !- That tiny little Strawberry Rhino I got today may produce a thousand clones before I'm finished with her ! But it's only one plant to me !
I just want to get 1 successful grow under my belt and then start to clone. I have 2 THC bombs outside I forgot to mention. I could clone them I guess.

I counted those 2 with butt cheek squeezes.
I haven't watched scooby doo for a long long time. Scooby doo, where are you?
I have been reading tons of how 2 posts and vids on how to clone but I have not actually done it yet. I gotta get a cloning thingy.

I've been growing in soil.
Kraven !- What's up ?- Good Day ?-- Bongo - I bought an aero cloner and started building my own !- Nothing but a storage box with 2 inch holes in the top for the plants - there's a submersible pump inside with a square figure 8 PVC pipe manifold with micro sprayers screwed into it !- When the pump comes on it sprays the roots 15 minutes on 15 off !-- I also got an aquarium bubbler in each box !- Take me about an hour to build a box !- $25 for the pump - $10 for the box and maybe $10 for sprayers and stuff ! - Big Black boxes with yellow lids that have a checkerboard pattern on the top! Perfect for the 2 inch basket and foam collars that hold my plants !
The 25 spot cloner I started with cost me about $30 - Most peeps here do some cloning but I been taking cuts every 2 week's for about 18 months and I highly recommend an aero cloner !- I take the cuts and put them in foam collar then place the foam collar in a 2 inch basket- place them in the box push it in a corner somewhere and 8 days or so I got roots !- I then move them up under a light !- 6 weeks later them little 8 inch plants are off to bloom !-- 2 months later and they about 18 inches high and ready to harvest !- 2 weeks behind them will be another group and another behind it !
Sounds great Keef. I was thinking more of an 8 or 12 slot cloning set up I could set on the counter and plug in. Easy peezy. When I decide to clone I'll let ya know Keef.
The 25 spot cloner I started with cost me about $30 - Most peeps here do some cloning but I been taking cuts every 2 week's for about 18 months and I highly recommend an aero cloner !- I take the cuts and put them in foam collar then place the foam collar in a 2 inch basket- place them in the box push it in a corner somewhere and 8 days or so I got roots !- I then move them up under a light !- 6 weeks later them little 8 inch plants are off to bloom !-- 2 months later and they about 18 inches high and ready to harvest !- 2 weeks behind them will be another group and another behind it !

Thanks for the tip Keef. I'm off to Amazon and search.
8 Site Aeroponic Plant Cloner - Clone Bucket 1.0 SM 8 site From Hydro West.

How about this one Keef? This size is all I need. It's round too.
That'll do it !- the only problem is there is no filter and your micro sprayers Will plug up on you with time but if U only gonna use it occasionally and keep an eye on it no problem ! Clean them out with a safety pin and use them again ! I found a pump that has a filter so mine hardly ever plug up !
Anybody like DEAD END EXPRESS? I love that show. JUST SEEN Yetna Willie,,very cool dude. His outhouse has pics of weed and tge rebel flag. Funny as hell. Tnis guy is from Georgia, ,but he has been off the grid in Alaska for yrs. Very cool show. Course i like Life Below Zero and Alaskan Bush Ppl and Naked and afraid,,,,YEHAWWWWWWW
I'll go down to my local plant supply store and get one with a filter then.

Thanks Keef. I like your assembly line man. Sounds like a plan.
Hopper in da house !- Keef don't do that white stuff falling out the sky !-- T.V. is about as close as I need to be and I did the off the grid stuff for 2 weeks after Katrina wrecked the swamp !- I will never take A/C for granted again !- I ran a radio , a fan and a lamp with an inverter off my car battery for 2 long hot weeks !- Bongo if U check every day or two you'll be fine without a filter !- I think that kit will have everything U need !-- Any questions I'll hook U up !--
Bongo assembly line it is !-- Got 4 square yards of bloom fed by clones from a square yard of veg .-- that's two of my boxes per square yard !- Recovering from a costly mistake right now but my goal is 500 grams per square meter !-- That would be about a kilo every month !-- Do U eat weed ?- Keef's Cannacaps !-- bake dry weed in a pickle jar at 230 degrees for 30-35 minutes - this is called decarbing - turns the inactive THC acid into active THC - after it cools U pack empty caps full of decarbed weed !-- take with food or oil !- I chase mine with a tablespoon of coconut oil ! About an hour later - say hello to my little friend !- And U can use trim or lesser weed !
Where`s the OFC at ? Too early to go to bed. Time for a session of wake and bake, well the bake part any way.
I just want to get 1 successful grow under my belt and then start to clone. I have 2 THC bombs outside I forgot to mention. I could clone them I guess.

I counted those 2 with butt cheek squeezes.
Bongo.I did this last year ,try it.
Get a 4 inch plastic pot. Get some good soil. and a small bowl,
Take cutting, dip in clone gel. Plant it in soil. Set pot in the bowl and put 1 inch of water/clone mix. Set in the sun and keep water in the bowl.

mine grew into a nice plant. took cutting in july and got over an ounce from it.
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