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Moreover Keef, medically the VA research on PTSD and cannabis is for whole plant extracts. GMO yeast will not work
All true Umbra !--- Medically U nailed it !-- The money maker though will be oil from thier extracts for recreation !-- The intention is not to make a genetically altered pot plant !-- They plan to insert the genes that produce THC and CBDS !---Our plant is safe !---Except what I'm gonna do to it !
all the edible will be made with oils and so will topical ointments and well you know what is going to happen when the world tries the cartridges. Oil is going to be many things
The world is driven by economics !-- Which would be most economical --- Add up the cost of planting huge fields and the labor and cost involved !--- Compare that with a warehouse full of vats of yeast producing THC 24/7/ 365 -- In a controlled environment! --No bug threats --No weather destroyed fields !-- The economics say -- yeast wins everytime !-- No need to genetically modify a weed plant !-- Except for the flower conisour!
That we will !--- Bottom line to big pharm is the almighty dollar !--- What they plan to do will be controlled by the bottom line !--- Some things just make sense !-- For instance --- consider the cost involved in simply buying a 1,000 acres to grow weed on !-- Then again U could buy a warehouse and set up yeast vats to grow THC -- Hire a few people to run the mostly automated brewing facility with built in drying and extraction lines !-- If big pharm want to produce vast amounts of THC ---There is no contest in cost per gram of THC !-- Factory wins everytime !
Keef take a look at this Menu maybe we can fix D.D. up Poor Girl:) http://sparketrnr.com/menu

Oh, the oil! Me & my crappy lungs do love the oil! Stupid Fibromyalgia! After 3 nights of work it's horrible. It feels like my skin has been burnt & I can't tolerate being touched. Keef has learned to hug me very gently when it's bad. Plus, if I let my bones rest against each other, like crossing your ankles while sitting, it's intolerable. And, then there are the random, burning electrical shocks in my feet. Weird, right? Actually have considered moving to a legal state, but I just wanna get high by the beach!
IDK..... genetically modified yeast worries me for some reason. And, I'm with Rose on this whole GMO- Monsanto (spit, spit) thing-- DO NOT LIKE IT! But, we plan to make our niche as master farmers & people will pay a premium price for what we have planned. At least that's how it plays out in my mind!
I disagree that when you breed you are genetically modifying it. You are creating a genome type, but you are not modifying the chromosome or their natural sequence of nucleic acids.

I agree. we aren't doing that when we breed. I remember when they first introduced gmo corn and how they brainwashed the farmers. They are some snake oil sales folks right there.
When a good breeder whether plant or animal is deliberately breeding for a specific trait !-- The selective breeding is in essence manipulating the genetic make up of the offspring !--- By selective breeding the Olmec - and Maya over selective breeding took a wheat looking plant with little tiny plant and with directing the breeding , over several thousand years the turned that tiny plant into the corn we know today !---If that is not genetic modification tell me what it is !--- Those big strawberries? --- Someone did the same thing I'm trying to do to weed !-- Those big strawberries were made by genetic doubling -- Instead of the normal marble size strawberries that are 2n ---Those big strawberries are 8n !--- Seedless melons ? -- Breed a tetra melon to a normal melon and the offspring are seedless because nothing can fertilize them !-- Exain to me how doing this to weed is morally wrong !
Took a muscle relaxer to help with this FM flare up, but they sure make you groggy. Would much rather use weed.
Rose U can call it "Creating a Pheno type or genotype " - Is the combination of 2 strands of DNA from different plants !--- U are breeding the 2 plants to hoping they will recombine thier DNA to make a plant that is not like mom or dad -- U are genetically modifying what U hope will be a winning combination !--- That my friends is genetic modification on the simplest form !-- If U not trying to manipulate a cross why U use different varieties? -- In the hopes the DNA will combine in a favorable way !-- ain and simple -- Genetic modification!
If U breed 2 plants of the variety ---There will be only tiny changes to the off spring --- If U breed 2 plants from different varieties --The changes will be more profound because by those plants the DNA recombine in a new way !-- U just manipulated the DNA into a new configuration! ---Just my opinion!
Hey it may not mean anything to anyone else but I read there are debating whether to allow people to bring guns to the RNC convention ! -- Put a bunch of pissed off angry people with guns in a big convention center where people are argue about who the candidate in a contested convention !--- Can U explain how the question of whether to allow guns even came up ? Shoot out at the RNC Corral ?-- That would never happen !--- I've seen how well behaved Trump supporters are !--- I'm sure reason will prevail !
Monsanto is a nasty nasty company, their evil goes way beyond GMO and controlling the seed stock, the have very nefarious plans on a global scale. We lost the war before the first battle, there will be hold outs like me and other who will continue to make seed and try and keep a few of our beloved plants around.....but in 5 years we all are sorta gonna wish that this can of worms were never opened.....we all had to know in our heart we were not going to get something for nothing, this is and has been a planned move since Ca, went legal the first time and BF saw just how lucrative it would be, now we are into terpines and oils, sadly times have changed and nobody knows yet. Peace
I would like to point out that I have no horse in this political race !-- The preceding post was only a comment about the political news !
Many people have thought me foolish to hoard seeds. To save seeds I bought from Neville was a waste of time. We shall see. Without a doubt, the ones with the genetics will have a place in the near future. So I just popped some beans...because I can. 1 of mine KGB, Killer Green Bud = tahoe og x mass super skunk x sour d, cwo, and another of mine orange og = cali o x true og. Ha, ha take that Monsanto.
I disagree Umbra ! ( I thought Dala made the post so don't make me rewrite it )--- There will be a large percentage of the market that will go to Big Pharm !--- Personally I see a future that if U want commercially grown cheap weed Big Pharm got your back !--- Just like the readily available middle of the road wine !-- Affordable but acceptable !--- The niches left will be like the one U fill Dala -- Old School weed grown to it's best then properly aged --- Cuz that market is solid -- It ain't doing nothing but grow !--- Rose got her Organic thing !-- For which there will always be a market !-- Umbra and Lyfespan know how to adapt they can adapt to several niches !-- Me ? --- I've got a pretty good idea of the direction I'm going !-- I'm going into uncharted genetic territory and bring back diamonds for my peeps to grow !--- U know that Lemon Trees Umbra said the vendor refused $5,000 for a clone ?-- I'm gonna find something like that and give it to the O.F.C. !--- Now if U take proper care and propagate it properly it could provide your finacial needs for the rest of your life !-- Now if U start passing out clones to your neighbors --U a dumba** for cutting your own finacial throat !--- What we got to become is weed growing specialist !
Question !-- Is it still evolution if an intelligent mind is controlling the changes happening instead of nature's --Survival of the Fittest ? --- I mean look at humans !-- We got these big ole claws to defend against other animals! --- We got teeth that can rip a deers throat out !-- All this fur to protect us in harsh winters !--Yep! I'm a firm believer in survival of the fittest !---
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