If NCH takes the job, he will be a part of it in some way or another
Joe, it makes me crazier than anything.. Why can't monsanto do integrated pest management techniques if they want to help farmers and the world.. Umbra is right about it all comes down to money. They don't care if kids lives are not what they were meant to be....
I'm no Dr. or health nut or anything but...Joe, i had never heard of autism when i had kids... then monsanto and autism happen They have found roundup/glyphosate in feeding tubes in hospitals, in breast milk... diapers.... womens sanitary napkins, 85 % has roundup. Ovarian cancer anyone? Sorry this is a really big deal i have been quietly fighting for years. I am about to hush now..
:48:70% of our immune system antibody protection
lies in our intestinal tract. A well-developed body
of scientific research demonstrates that 20,000-
30,000 different strains of good gut bacteria
are required to help the immune system protect the
body against the damage caused by gluten, GMOs,
herbicides, antibiotics and other environmental
toxins. When these toxins leak through the gut wall,
they compromise the immune system’s ability to
work. We cannot live a healthy life without a healthy
immune system.
What up O.F.C. ?--- Had a nap !-- Wake and Bake all over again !--- GMO weed ?-- Everytime U breed a plant U are genetically modifying it !-- Man made corn what it is today !-- We have to plant corn or it would disappear because it can't propagate itself in the wild !
Anyway I think Umbra be wrong about the future of weed !--- The Germans have a genetically modified yeast that produces THC !--- So why would big pharm plant huge fields of genetically altered weed when they could "grow" THC in vats just like they make beer -- 24/7/365 !--- add some CBDs and all the meds made from weed can be made in a factory !--- Like they say -- Smoking is bad U should use this new medical oil !
We got 20% of the market our job is to find a specialty niche !--