nice Joe. What strain and what size screen?
The first thing it is modified with is roundup. All their seeds are. Beyond that, Monsanto is working directly with UC Davis to increase yields and reduce flowering times.
because of the super weeds that have resulted from using gmo seed for more than 10 years. weeds and bugs here are insane.Why in the hell does cannabis need roundup? I know their corn is but cannabis, that doesn't even make sense.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/monsan...an-health-pathways-to-modern-diseases/5342520Section 3 will discuss
the role that gut dysbiosis, arguably resulting from Glyphosate exposure, plays
in Inflammatory Bowel Disease and its relationship to Autism.
This is the central valley...hell yes it's going to be grown on 10,000 acre farms.I live in agriculture... they use bt in crops so it doesn't kill the plant when they use round up... Marijuana is not going to be grown on 10,000 acres out doors. is it? Give me a break. that can't be right. Not gmo'd with bt...I gonna jump.
Growers who use Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides for a
preharvest application report excellent control of thistles and other
perennial weeds in addition to significant harvest management benefits*.
why would you put bacterium bacillus thuringiensis in cannabis....no sense... stupid idiot monstanto raping our earth and poisoning it's people, slowly... If you didn't know this is kind of important to me.
No it won't. not well. Maybe thousands of acres of greenhouses..but not in the ground.